(pb) >>14962445 Ghislaine Maxwell is REFUSED bail for the fourth time
No more clubbing for you.
It's actually a mirror reflection. Buzz needs all the help he can get. No way PDT doesn't know the scam.
I'm more interested in what comes next. Or who.
Know this. These people are all under blackmail. They'll shift like the tides. They have no moral compass. They know they've committed crimes and will move in the direction of whoever holds the scepter over their head. That's why I stick to my theme. They all have to go. Until then it's just one more bullshit headline after another. That includes the Republican sacred cows. They let the 2020 election be stolen while looking the other way. Right Tom Cotton? And how many are pushing for the Arizona election investigation audit. Sorry assholes, tweeting doesn't count.
That would have been a good elective for me. I would have taken over the class until she lost it.
The backstop of the reflection is the dome. Just like movie screen. Those are the craters you see. They are the surface of the inner dome. Reflected down. That's why people are fooled. The dome is a physical surface but the moon is just a reflection of the earth surface below from the inner dome.
Here's the sky colors. Plasma electrified. I think multiple domes. As in seventh heaven. The noble gases have to be trapped inside each. Like a neon or other gas tube.
Like this.
Next time you look at a beautiful bright blue day sky half moon you'll get it. Your eyes don't lie. If the moon were physical half of it couldn't be transparent at the same time.
Hey I'm not interested in your hair growth products. I guts me my own intestinal fortitude.
Well #1 is the source of what you're looking at. Use your own eyes. You may be surprised at what you've ben missing. Start from scratch.
>John Durham Is Getting Close To The Jugular