Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 9, 2021, 10:52 p.m. No.14965100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5103 >>5105


'Montage: The “Smart” People Tell Us Trump Can Never Be Elected President

Nov 9, 2016'


RUSH: We have a “smart people” montage here. Drive-Bys, experts, Republican establishment elites all saying Trump would never win, predicting a Hillary landslide. This is a series of bites November 15th, 2015, through October 2016.


TIM MILLER: (8/18/16) Trump is gonna get killed in the general election.


ALEX CONANT: (8/18/16) Trump is gonna suffer an embarrassing loss this fall.


RACHEL MADDOW: (7/29/16) Unless this election happens on Mars, Donald Trump will lose.


KARL ROVE: (11/2015) Republicans are not going to win this next election.


MARK CUBAN: (8/1/16) It’s a landslide for Hillary. No question.


EVAN MCMULLIN: (8/14/16) Donald Trump will lose.


JEB BUSH: (12/15/15) You’re not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency.


RYAN LIZZA: (8/17/16) Trump is on his way to lose in the biggest loss since 1984.


JORGE RAMOS: (9/1/16) His strategy is to win the White House without Latinos. I don’t think he can do it.


LINDSEY GRAHAM: (8/16/16) Donald Trump is destroying the Republican Party’s chance.


TED CRUZ: (2/28/16) If we nominate Donald, Hillary beats him.


DAVID AXELROD: (10/23/16) I don’t know any consultant who privately believes that Donald Trump’s going to win.


DANA PERINO: (8/18/16) Trump would very much be able to get 35-40% of the vote and not win.


MIKE MURPHY: (8/8/16) He’s a demagogue and a neo-racist and I hope he loses. He deserves to lose.


DIANE MACEDO: (8/15/16) A landslide defeat is very possible.


LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: (8/15/16) Could be headed for a landslide defeat.


BILL KRISTOL: (9/23/16) Donald Trump will just choke.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: (05/ 2016) I don’t see how he can win.


BARACK OBAMA: (2/16/16) I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be President.


RUSH: That’s Barack Obama. We had in there Dr. Krauthammer, we have Bill Kristol, we have Mike Murphy and a leading consultant on the Republican side, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC, Dana Perino, David Axelrod, Lindsey Graham, George Ramos, Ryan Lizza, Jeb Bush, Rachel Maddow, Karl Rove, Mark Cuban, all the smart people, and they were all predicting a Trump landslide loss.



Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 9, 2021, 10:53 p.m. No.14965103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5105




Not I. See, these are the college-educated smart people, and they knew that people like them would never, ever, vote for Trump. And what they’re gonna say is, people that didn’t go to college that voted for him, “We don’t have to listen to this. I mean, we don’t want to turn our country over to the idiots. The idiots voted Trump; we’re not gonna succumb to that.” And that’s their attitude today.


Here’s James Carville, NBC special coverage last night. F. Chuck Todd, who has admitted they need to open a bureau in Racine, Wisconsin, to find out what Wisconsin people actually think about things. F. Chuck said, “James, there will be a lot of Democrats who are gonna complain about WikiLeaks, complain about James Comey, had some impact, but, on the other hand, Donald Trump’s basic message never changed, James.”


CARVILLE: You gotta realize the Democratic Party had the least amount of power that you can imagine in this democracy. The Republicans have like 30 state legislatures, governors. We’re gonna lose the federal courts, the Senate, the House, the presidency. I mean, it is a utter disaster if you’re a Democrat in terms of having any political power in the country right now.


RUSH: How about that? Is that not stunning? So just on the basis of what — these are the guys that have been running the country for eight years, implementing all this stuff the American people didn’t want, the majority didn’t want. And now all of a sudden, “The Republicans have 30 state legislatures, governors, we’re gonna lose the Fed, federal courts, the Senate, the House, the presidency, I mean, it’s an utter disaster.” It’s an utter disaster for the Democrat Party. Yes siree, Bob. It’s exactly what it is.




RUSH: This is Ginger in Tucson. Welcome. Great to have you here. Hi.


CALLER: Hey, Rush. Well, the purpose of my call is to hopefully make you look good. But my comment is about how the supposedly uneducated blue-collar workers have voted for Trump. And I say hardworking, commonsense, blue-collar Americans have never sat in front of William Ayers, and they haven’t been brainwashed like the Millennials have. And when you send your kids to school, whether it’s kindergarten through college, it’s a risk. And I’m glad that commonsense America came out and voted.



Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 9, 2021, 10:53 p.m. No.14965105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141






RUSH: This is actually awe very brilliant point. You are very, very shrewd. What she’s saying here — and, by the way, it’s white-collar uneducated that we’re talking about. Blue-collar is union in terms of the lexicon. What we’re talking about —


CALLER: Right.


RUSH: — the Democrat Party openly — I’ll never forget this — a former Washington Post columnist, it was in November, 2011, was working for the Obama campaign, actually wrote a piece how the Democrats are abandoning white working-class people and had made the decision to focus on all the different minorities. And it’s come home to roost now. And you’re right, there is a prejudice against them because they, quote, unquote, are uneducated.


Look, the bias here is incredible, but your point about the fact they are uneducated means they’re unbrainwashed. It means they haven’t been fed a bunch of poison by the likes of Howard Zinn, who owns the history education in public schools, and Bill Ayers. In other words, they haven’t come under the spell of the liberal indoctrination and propaganda that is the public school system today and, as such, they’re actually commonsense smarter than people that come out with a formal education. That’s your theory, right?


CALLER: Well, and just because somebody doesn’t have a college education, I mean, some of the smartest people in the world don’t have college educations. They’re the most commonsense, down-to-earth types of people, and they’re what makes our country great. And I mean, I myself have an education, but, you know what? I’m the same — you know, I was lucky because I didn’t go to school during the time that the kids were indoctrinated.


RUSH: Yeah.


CALLER: And, fortunately, I have two daughters that have, you know, obviously I raised them right and I taught them about politics, and they haven’t —


RUSH: I know. This is why we write the Rush Revere history books for young people, to counter what they’re learning there.

Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 9, 2021, 11:06 p.m. No.14965141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5146


>'Montage: The “Smart” People Tell Us Trump Can Never Be Elected President


>Nov 9, 2016'


Montage: The “Smart” People Tell Us Trump Can Never Be Elected President

Nov 9, 2016


Related Links


''President-Elect Donald Trump Addresses Supporters After Clinton Concedes''

Posted By Ian Schwartz On Date November 9, 2016


''2016 Presidential Election Results''

AUG. 9, 2017, 9:00 AM ET

In 2016, Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College with 304 votes compared to 227 votes for Hillary Clinton.

Seven electors voted for someone other than their party’s candidate. Visit our 2020 election results pages for the latest updates.


232 Hillary Clinton

306 4-10-20

Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 10, 2021, 1:30 a.m. No.14965439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5441



Daniel Greenfield November 09, 2021

''Wesley Muhammad believes that the U.S. government and the Jews are using marijuana to make black men gay. The “Pot Plot” is a popular theory in Muhammad’s Nation of Islam cult.''


At the Saviours Day Convention in Chicago, an official Nation of Islam event, Wesley Muhammad claimed that, "It is Jewish genius that has helped… to weaponize the weed so that it may effeminize the black male of America. And be clear, it is Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam that is standing in between the total demasculinization of the black man in America.”



Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 10, 2021, 1:30 a.m. No.14965441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5443



Some years back, Wesley Muhammad's lecture, “How to Make a Homosexual: The Scientific Assault on Black America" was canceled at a Philly black beauty expo because of its hateful content. But what wasn't good enough for the 23rd Annual International Locks Conference, a black natural hair expo, is unfortunately all too welcome at San Francisco State University.


It’s not too surprising that a black “wholistic” hair expo has higher standards than the most antisemitic university in America. Or that Muhammad fits in so well at SFSU.


"It is clear that the two most powerful lobbies in America - the Jewish and the Homosexual - are hellbent on the information in this lecture, 'How To Make A Homosexualm (sic)' NEVER makes it to the public's awareness," Muhammad complained on Facebook.


San Francisco State University has however been happy to provide Muhammad with a platform despite no shortage of ethnically Jewish and gay people on the faculty and in the administration.


Wesley Muhammad's bio at the taxpayer-funded university notes that he is a lecturer in the Africana Studies Department of SFSU's College of Ethnic Studies. It mentions his publications in the Final Call newspaper of the Nation of Islam hate group, and his book, "Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black Manhood and Black Masculinity" which contains thoughtful chapters such as "Why Saggin is Faggin" and "Birth of the Black Man (God)".


It also notes that Muhammad is a "helper of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan" and a member of the executive council of the Nation of Islam hate group, and mentions his role in Tariq Nasheed's Buck Breaking documentary which claimed that black people were a master race and that white slave owners turned black men gay.


"I thank the Honorable Brother Minister Farrakhan for granting me permission to return to the place that I love, the classroom,” a Facebook account with Muhammad’s name posted. “This Pestilence From Heaven has made it possible for me do the Labor that I love at the Headquarters of my Beloved Nation of Islam AND teach about Black Religion and the Black God in the Africana Studies Department at San Francisco State University."


"All Praises Belongs (sic) To Allah," he concluded.

Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 10, 2021, 1:31 a.m. No.14965443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5446




"All Praises Belongs (sic) To Allah," he concluded.


A course listing shows Muhammad teaching courses on “Black Religion” and “Malcolm X in the Context of Black Nationalism”. The courses are taught online which apparently allows Muhammad, a top official in the Nation of Islam, to teach remotely.


That the Nation of Islam killed Malcolm X only adds another layer to this obscene farce.


By describing the pandemic as a "pestilence from heaven", Muhammad echoed Farrakhan's remarks that the coronavirus was one of Allah's "great plagues". But Muhammad additionally claimed that "we've documented the first area codes that were devastated by coronavirus in America were Jewish area codes" implying that the virus was aimed by Allah at the Jews.


A lecturer celebrating the coronavirus for allowing him to teach remotely and claiming that black gay men are the products of a Jewish conspiracy may seem out of place on today’s college campuses where a Chinese composer was forced out of the classroom for showing an Othello movie and at Yale an American Indian student faced the threat of sanctions for a party invite touting fried chicken, but there are two sets of rules. And at SFSU, the bigots have always enjoyed the second set.


In the 90s, Khalid Muhammad, another Nation of Islam figure, was invited to deliver a speech by the Pan Afrikan Student Union which advertised tickets as being $7 for students and $15 for "Zionists, Uncle Toms and other white supremacists." During his speech Muhammad ranted about "hook-nosed, bagel-eating, lox-eating, perpetrating-a-fraud so-called Jews" and urged his racist audience to "use violence when necessary."


These days though Nation of Islam officials aren’t just SFSU campus speakers, but lecturers.

Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 10, 2021, 1:32 a.m. No.14965446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5457




It’s all part of the ugly atmosphere of antisemitic hatred that has been mainstreamed at the public university where taxpayers pay the bills for the professors and groups that hate them.


SFSU was also where, more recently, Muhammad Hammad, the president of the General Union of Palestine Students, was investigated after making violent threats toward Jews.


San Francisco State University had been ground zero for campus antisemitism. It was where Hatem Bazian, the co-founder of Students for Justice in Palestine, the hate group that now has chapters on many campuses, got his start. A column by the coordinator for SF's Jewish Community Relations Council described the scene as "Hatem Bazian and a group of about 25 students storm the offices of the student newspaper, the Golden Gater. They destroy hundreds of copies of that day's edition. They yell anti-Semitic and racist epithets in the newsroom".


Since then not much has changed.


A lawsuit filed more recently in 2017 by Jewish students charged that, "SFSU has not merely fostered and embraced anti-Jewish hostility — it has systematically supported these departments and student groups as they have doggedly organized their efforts to target, threaten, and intimidate Jewish students on campus and deprive them of their civil rights and their ability to feel safe and secure as they pursue their education.”


Earlier this year, SFSU's Rabab Abdulhadi, the faculty advisor for GUPS, took part in a seminar featuring a terrorist airplane hijacker after having already met with that same terrorist during an SFSU funded trip. No wonder that SFSU was one of the universities singled out by the David Horowitz Freedom Center as one of the “Top Ten Schools Supporting Terrorists”.


At San Francisco State University, the question isn’t whether it’s an antisemitic campus, but just how antisemitic it is. And even by SFSU standards, the “pot plot” is a new low. At San Francisco’s premier public university, students can not only interact with faculty who support terrorists, but who believe that the Jews are using marijuana to turn black men gay.


How low can SFSU go? Wesley Muhammad makes it clear that there’s no low too low.

Anonymous ID: abba4a Nov. 10, 2021, 1:37 a.m. No.14965457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5458 >>5460 >>5505


>Wesley Muhammad


Wesley Muhammad born June 14 in Detroit, Michigan is an American author and a minister in the Nation of Islam.

He received a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Morehouse College, graduating with honors in 1994. Wikipedia


Born: June 14, 1972 (age 49 years), Detroit, MI