>oh my gosh you drive around with bOdY aRMoR?!
>how absolutely dare you!
>oh my gosh you drive around with bOdY aRMoR?!
>how absolutely dare you!
that needs the prosecutor's face shooped on it stat
yea they're trying to push the premeditated preparation for intentional conflict on kyle's part
even i can see through that narrative building
>intolerant radical
absolutely not based
some of you need to go the fuck back
full metal jacket refers to the encasing that holds the projectile
then there's steel jacket
hollow point and lead bullets refer to the actual projectiles
hollow points are good for close range and splinter on impact
lead points are more for long range and holding a steadier flight path while intended to only wound a target, not necessarily kill it
it was designed that way to down an enemy combatant but not kill so that others would attempt to save them in the line of fire and be taken out in similar fashion
can't confirm it's the same ding yumei who is doing r&d for the rising sun or not