Am I basically right about this timeline?
It's the late 90s/early 00s. Saudi Arabia wants to take over the Middle East, namely its oil, natural gas, and control of the pipelines that transport those resources. They also know Iran is the holy grail and needs to be surrounded to guarantee success.
They collude with the US (+ Israel/Mossad?) and come up with a plan: 9/11 -Afghanistan -> Iraq -> Libya -> Syria -> Lebanon -> Sudan -> Iran
(9/11 terrorists were all non-believers from SA who had their plane tickets paid for by the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the US, etc.)
Remember General Wesley Clark: "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -
The Libya/Syria/Lebanon coastal trail is mostly for control of ports and pipelines (connecting North Africa/Middle East with Europe). There's also the leviathan gas field just outside of Israel:
The other countries are OPEC members/pending members with big energy reserves.
Under President George W. Bush in 2003, the United States negotiated an agreement with Libyan strongman Gadhafi. The deal: The dictator would give up his weapons of mass destruction peacefully, and we wouldn't try to depose him. But the Obama administration didn't stick to it. Instead, in a 2012 operation spearheaded by Clinton, the United States went ahead and toppled him anyway.
The CIA and Clinton State Department work together to overthrow Gaddafi by arming, training and funding anti-Gadaffi islamist terrorists (veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq). Then, the plan is to move as many of those resources as possible over to Syria to overthrow Assad next.
They succeed in Libya. At the time, Clinton thought it was a great triumph — “We came, we saw, he died,” she joked about Gadhafi's overthrow — and adviser Sidney Blumenthal encouraged her to tout her “successful strategy” as evidence of her fitness for the highest office in the land.
The, the plan gets a bit shaky, on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, in Benghazi (September 11th, 2012). Good intel indicates an attack might be imminent, embassy requests increased security, HRC State Department says no. "Terrorists" led by rebels from the new (US-installed) government attack the US consolate and kill U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who was there to redirect funds from Iran to Benghazi, in order to make it a permanent settlement. It had to be done before the end of the fiscal year (September 30th).
There was only one problem. Christopher Stevens had found out about the Clinton Cabal's plan through Gadhaffi's former generals - he was going to reject the settlement plan and come forward with info. - Others dead: U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. (4 dead, 10 injured in total).
Hillary tries to blame the attack on a (very badly edited to make it "offensive") YouTube video called "Innocence of Muslims" that no one saw until she mentioned it. It was a garbage video and a garbage lie.
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh cites an anonymous former senior Defense Department intelligence official, saying: "The consulate's only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms. It had no real political role."
Gawker reports in March 2013: Sid Blumenthal's emails hacked by Guccifer (1). They reveal that Hillary is using a private email server to receive intel and advice about sensitive, classified topics - including Libya.
In the summer of 2014, lawyers from the State Department noticed a number of emails from Clinton's personal account, while reviewing documents requested (FOIA) by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. A request by the State Department for additional emails led to negotiations with her lawyers and advisors. And 33,000 emails deleted.
The emails proves she was using and forwarding the intel (while specifically asking staff to remove any "identifiers" when printed) - signifigant because it's illegal (circumvents Presidential Records Act). Bush team did the same thing and most likely Obama did as well.
The media says that Hillary's emails were "hacked", when they were actually released by FOIA request. It even led directly to an ammendment to the Federal Records Act: Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014.
Now we get to the DNC leak, Guccifer 2.0, muh Russia, Seth Rich, mass immigration and so on. Also, slave trade in Libya! “Libya has been beset by chaos since NATO-backed forces overthrew long-serving ruler Col. Moammar Gadhafi in October 2011.” -BBC (the same BBC who said the the emails were hacked)