Anonymous ID: 48c301 12 for Twelvers (Madhi) May 21, 2018, 3:11 p.m. No.1497245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is this another case of, "There are no coincidences"?

Pompeo issued 12 demands. Was this a thinly veiled message for the "Twelvers" which is the largest element of the Shia branch of the Muslim religion?


Iran is the only country with state religion as (Twelver) Shia Islam.


The twelveth imam is also known as Muhammad al-Mahdi or sometimes shortened to the Mahdi. Some Shiites believe there must be a massive conflageration as a precondition for the Madhi to return.


"Subsequent Shia scholars eventually agreed that the conflagration leading to the return of the Mahdi—or, more precisely, to the return of his apparition (zuhur) from concealment—would be marked by a sequence of five events or signs. These signs include: an uprising led by the “Yemenite,” the Mahdi’s advance scout or herald; a battle with the “Sufyani,” a hypocritical tyrant associated with the Sunni oppression; the murder of the “Pure Soul,” the Mahdi’s envoy; the “Battle of the Clamors” in which the Mahdi’s followers shout from heaven in an effort to silence the yells of the evil forces from underground; and the engulfing and destruction of an evil army in the Arabian desert.3 After this, the Mahdi will arise as the “Lord of the Age” or the “Lord of the Sword” to lead his “army of wrath” in its re-conquest of the world."


Some radical Shiites believe they must start a world wide conflagaration before the Mahdi reappears

"A high Iranian politician believes the Syrian revolution could be the catalyst for sparking a worldwide conflagration that will usher in an era of Muslim domination of the world."