Another derivative crash…..oh joy
This bitch faked test results since 1985….about half the steel the foundry produced for Electric boat in Newport News was bad
Wow….Navy screwed the pooch on that one
A hamburger made from plants
8 people control 50% of world’s wealth
You call this an economy?
Eat the rich
New Zealand trying to cover up its huuuuuge opium production
Justice reform… niggers get charged
They are using petroyuan also…..kek…..Biden is weak old man
My fam knows better than to ask me if I’ve been vaxed….fun being the black sheep
Writers strike of 2012 ended Hollywood
Police are cowards when it comes to real crime
But they won’t think twice about busting your head to vax your kid
Silicone Valley and Porn making valley are same valley
Jews covered all their bases
God sent rats to chew on the wires…..kek