synchronicity. its getting crazier. dont yuou notice crazy coincidences all day? things that happen that shouldnt be possible in a random big bang world? Its almost like this place is created
YES EXACTLY. its happened to me like that twice in the past 2 days. Looking at the word and guy on YT show im watching says it.
wasn't talking about a simulation but your free to have an open mind kek. This place IS created. the lie is that it isnt! Evolution, the big bang, space. All a lie to convince you that you are insignificant. WHen that is furthest from the truth. God created all of us individually and knew us before the womb. The truth is god is always here and thats scary when your an evil person
This whole q and world events thing has changed me irreversibly. Ive always been jaded with the way the world operates but now ive hit a tipping point. i cant live like i dont know what this world is. I am constantly praying that God directs me and gives me a greater purpose. I cant stand to 9-5 for meaningless paper. I hope the synchronicities mean im on the right track. I see it all the time.
Just riffing off rittenhouse and synchronicities. Has any anon seen the TV series timeless? Where there is rogue agencies trying to change the past and a team of people time travel to undo it. The big baddy is Rittenhouse