Dubs chekked.
Notice the resemblance to launch complex 39A. kek.
>Launch pads?
<Launch complex anon.
God bless the defenders of freedom.
Supposing you two assholes were to wipe your own asses? What do you each think would happen then? Huh? Huh?
Even drunk Hitler would address the question. You are a silly prototype.
<What do you each think would happen then?
anon sees your currency and system of exchange
having none of it
enjoy hell bastards
>Then why have they been kicked out of so many contries?
Just spit balling here.
They are not sending their best
Their best are probably still sleeping it off.
<What does that tell you anons?
The word millstone comes to mind.
So you adjusted your meme strategy.
<Anon would gently remind you that capitalizing on human suffering is a limited time engagement. And that is the best case scenario.
Anon has heard many points of view on the Book of Revelation over the years.
Not trying to put in place any kind of enforcement of church thinking on the subject.
But it is possible to contain the entire context within antiquity.
Just sayin'.
You are using windows. Is there anything else you would like to share with the board?
would gently nudge you toward
not that you deserve a gentle nudge
feeling generous, or cute, or whatever
your choice to fail fundamental logic test
>Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.
<If this takes place during my Viking funeral then I am all in.
Wow. You made a few assumptions about crawling inside my head. And heart. Thanks anyway.