To every veteran and their family, we thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country.
17 words
To every veteran and their family, we thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country.
17 words
>What you think becomes reality.
>Everybody read this like a hundred times
couldnt you just think that i read it a hundred times into reality so i dont actually have to?
my autism is counting, cant not
super power developed from license plate games during interstate travel
> 1st Airlift Squadron
must have seen bidan with out the mask
The 1st Airlift Squadron is part of the 89th Airlift Wing, 89th Operations Group, at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. It conducts transport of various high-level U.S. military and government officials.
Provides global Special Air Mission (SAM) airlift, logistics, aerial port and communications for the President, Vice President, Combat Commanders, senior leaders and the global mobility system as tasked by the White House, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and Air Mobility Command.