I thought Trump was in the way? I guess not.
KEK - his controllers just shat their pants again. Imbicilile at best.
Why did he push Big Pharma vaccine?
Why did he get patriots to rush Capital with bad cops and Antifa on standby, KNOWINGLY?
Why did he do nothing to stop election fraud?
Why put so many deepstate players in power?
Why was he untouched?
Got to ask a balanced set of questions to get the truth.
They don't work for the 99% and the PCT test don't work either. SO FUCK OFF.
What a waste of time - a few enemy combatants got toasted. Move on. They were only commies.
If the people were unified this shit would be over a long time ago… WTF.
What is scary is that he was picked by Cabal as their represtative - they are either desperate, or confident in the underlying plan. He is a pure POS on many fronts and his diapers.
That is a damn good cartoon - it's only missing the stinky ass Gates.
What is the need to obfusicate it? The deep state already know he's one of their players - how does it benefit patriots to be thrown a curbe ball again?
66 million + 6 million = 666
You are thinking in simple maths like a 4 year old.
Can't be 72 - it's too small.