Kyle doesn't rape children. He shoots pedos.
No Case in Point for you, retard
Fuckin idiot prosecutor still running on MSM fantasy lies.
Kyle never 're-racked' his rifle! The Antifa/BLM terrorist Gaige made up that lie for his $10 million how dead in the water lawsuit!
Get a fuckin one-armed job, Gaige! Your entire life is gonna be spent paying Kyle $10 million, at least.
You fuckers all gonna burn, demon!
He's probably being polite about the violent niggers they had cuffed in the cars
Never happened
Drew was there for all the shit. RIGHT there!
intelligent, strong women terrify you, eh?
Sure. If the magazine is defective.
It was part of the lies he had in his civil case suing the city for $10 million. Gaige fucked up the whole re-rack claim in his testimony the other day. Established it never occurred. This idiot prosecutor need to fuckin burn!
Hope the Asian food isn't coming on a boat in Long Beach harbor! Kekekekekekekekek
Judge ordered Chinese! Fucking hilarious.
Because Gaige claimed in Civil suit that he had his hands raised while chasing Kyle and Kyle turned around. Claimed he re-racked the rifle to clear a jam so Kyle could put him in fear of his life. Never happened. Kyle did mot have a gun jam at any time. Many video replays showed Gaige made it up to seem for threatened. The lie cost him his $10million fraudulent claim against the city.