Female cop,
Just proved Rittenhouse didn't rerack his gun
Grossjew lied and his bicep vaporized.
Female cop,
Just proved Rittenhouse didn't rerack his gun
Grossjew lied and his bicep vaporized.
Binger doesn't know guns.
Spent or unspent there would be 1 extra casing.
5 not 4.
Come on defense get her to rerack the ar
It would go click
It wouldn't go bang (boom)
Real America's voice dude!
He is going to spit truth bombs.
Fun times.
Hernandez is going to piss off the bungholio
And if fatlock questions him, watch the reeeeeeeeeee
Hernandez said it
Hernandez is on
Real America's Voice.
Msm and Biden call Rittenhouse a white supremacist.
Why would someone with Mexican/Spanish descent even want to testify for a white supremacist.
I sure hope fatlock cross examines.
Fat shit is going to get trigggggeeeeerrred
Drew Hernandez
Is all over the place.
A patriot testifying rn
His interviews with Bannon are top notch.
He talks truth and facts.
The cross examination is going to be fire.
Why no photo of the diaper wearing hottie.
Looks don't mean shit when she's a brainwashed sheep.
Wears diaper on the stand.
Prosecutor witness. Eek
Puts diaper back on to leave the stand.
Hernandez is going to kill BINGER.
Fuck bungholio up Drew!!!!
Binger loves criminals.
Binger fucktard extraordinaire
Hernandez submitted 80-100 videos to you.
He is trying to say the video is altered and it's not working.
Black and white body cam to full hires color.
Binger is a fucking moron.
Judge is going to lose it again!!!
Oh boy!
Binger is a fucking moron
Told ya anons.
Judge hates Binger.
Hernandez is destroying the prosecution and he can hire representation.
Binger is a massive fuckup.
The projection from the prosecution is funny af.
They claim conflict of interest while knowingly having a conflict of interest.