God sent us the LGBTQ+++ to rid the world of small minded bigots. Jesus loves us all equally. Love your brothers and sisters. Judging them is so 6,000 year old death cultish.
Calling them "perverts" is literally a religious judgement. You claim to know the mind of God better than the God who created them? Your spiritiual wickedness is noted. Love your neighbor.
You're parroting the Jewish Mosaic laws that ended with the sacrifice of Jesus. We are no longer bound by that or any of the garbage from the OT. His sacrifice fulfilled that law.
The behavior you call a sin is the law that Moses gave to the Jews. Are you a Jew, living under a King, in a Kingdom, that follows the laws set forth by a man on a throne or are you a free and independant human, capable of rational thought and making your own decisions without having to ask permission from the King before you act?
Did Kyle Rittenhouse ask permission to defend himself, or did he behave as a free and independant human, capable of defending himself?
Sounds a lot like Liberty. How awful.
If you haven't sacrificed your first born you aren't following God's commandments. Still want to go back and live under the OT Jewish Legal System?
I trusted (them) until (they) told me I had an incurable disease, and then (they) operated on me and stole my diseased organ, and then I found out it was cureable with nutrition and herbs.
I no longer trust (them). (They) lied, for a profit, and left me mutilated and suffering instead of healing me. I blame (them) and (their) Elders who taught (them) to lie, cheat, steal and to hide the cures instead of healing the sick.
Since sin = lawbreaking, and since homosexuality isn't against the law, then what has the morality police all in an uproar? Their ignorance.