Weather forecast shows 37 degrees with a northwest wind at 16mph tomorrow night in Kenosha during prime primate hours
Pretty sure that the DNC put the brakes on the BLM/Antifa money by now anyway. It's been re-directed to other priorities. If they have a burn it all down chimp out, it's just gonna drive Joe's approval down to untenable depths.
No bucks - no buck rampage.
Dubs chek't provisionally.
Just for the record how do we know he's not really 33 like the adorable blanket kid from the Shriner's hospital grift commercials?
I have to go back and chek but I think the last actual Kiss fan died of covid in a Utica NY nursing home.
Yeah but we just saw what happened to commies who try to grab guns.
Vid related
>Jury nullification intensifies
And she knows Bette Midler personally.
quints of truth