>>14977609 pb
96 Mowat Ave
Toronto, Canada
The Tucows whois at the pb post.
The national security action whois & screen cap was May 14, 2020. I no longer have that link.
Here’s another screen cap Nov 11, 2020 with Dominion Voting in the same area of Toronto.
National security action & Tucows inc both at 96 Mowat, Toronto Canada. Unsure whether it’s just the servers. Natsecact has a U.S. based phone number listed on it’s website.
ButtHO the second barry soetoro & illegitimate joe biden, “vote” & “what he said”.
Dominion Voting Toronto, Canada’s phone number in the timestamp.
Oh well.
Schizophrenia? Fuck off.
You’re the retarded one for not taking the time to even try to “get it” before making a dumbass comment. It’s basic math.
Oh, you didn’t try very hard. If you don’t “get it” how do you know what the conclusions are?
Not hostile, go fuck off w/ your poor assumtion & ridiculous “Schizophrenia” comment dr asshat.
And what does that mean?
Figure it out yourself, I’m hostile.