Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 11, 2021, 11:12 p.m. No.14980951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0960 >>1011 >>1147 >>1150 >>1153 >>1165 >>1366 >>1403 >>1550 >>1594

The serious events are primarily centered around menstruation, blood clots, inflammation and scarring, cardiovascular damage, and neurological damage, just as we predicted in the podcast in June of 2021.


There are hundreds of serious adverse events that are caused by these vaccines. This of course is shocking to people since the CDC has repeatedly said you can’t ascribe causality to data in VAERS. Not true. The VAERS data analysis (temporal data, the dose dependency, and the elevated reporting rates compared to baseline) provide ample signal to enable us to show causality on all of these events using the five Bradford-Hill criteria applicable to vaccines.


Nicki Minaj was right to complain about elevated rates of testicular swelling, impotence (erectile dysfunction), and orchitis. Every world authority who opined on the matter belittled her and said she was wrong, but all the symptoms she talked about are strongly elevated as you’ll see from the data below. None of these so-called experts of course ever looks at the data; it’s all based on arguing from their belief system rather than the scientific evidence. And even if those authorities disagreed with the VAERS data, it was irresponsible not to have pointed out the raw data to people and then explain why they totally ignored the elevated signal in the VAERS data. Today, we do science based on our belief system rather than the old-fashioned way of looking at what the data actually says. Our team is old-fashioned.


There is a pretty good chance that the vaccines don’t really work at all and never did. We know the Pfizer Phase 3 trials were gamed in many ways. There is no doubt that the vaccines elevate antibodies, but it seems that it is quite possible that the immunity they confer is actually the result of killing off (or excluding as in the case of the trials) people with weaker immune systems. The people who are left are thus more resistant to the virus. Mathew Crawford will be coming out shortly with an analysis that makes a compelling case for this novel hypothesis. Subscribe to his substack here.


It is unlikely that anyone in the world will want to debate us publicly on any of the claims above (or on any of my articles or on any of Mathew’s articles), but if you are a prominent supporter of the false narrative and want a public debate, we are here for you. Our team would be thrilled to accept the challenge as we have no desire to spread misinformation. If we got it wrong, we are happy to correct our mistakes if you can explain to us clearly the mistake we made and the correction you suggest (e.g., the “right” answer). Yet even with multiple million dollar incentives (listed in this article), nobody seems to be interested in showing how we got it wrong. Everyone talks about how bad the vaccine misinformation problem is, but nobody is willing to do anything to show that we got it wrong. For example, I’ve asked any prominent scientist in America who disagrees with my analysis (showing eight different ways to validate that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the vaccines) to let me see their “correct” analysis showing the “correct” number, but nobody will. They won’t even come on a recorded call to show us how we got it wrong. It’s baffling. They all want to do it in slow motion via documents because that way it’s easier to obfuscate the truth and they can avoid answering questions. The latter is key.


It’s really easy to tell who is telling you the truth here. John Su is the CDC expert on VAERS. If he’s wrong, the entire narrative falls apart. I personally attacked Dr. Su in a widely read article accusing him of being corrupt. I offered to publish his response in the article. He said nothing. I offered to debate him. No dice. TrialSiteNews tried to interview him. He refused to reply. Seriously? If the CDC gave us 2 hours to ask John Su questions, we would destroy his credibility and the credibility of the CDC. That’s why he’s not talking and that’s why the CDC will never let him talk to anyone on our team. Because we don’t ask softball questions like what John gets at the ACIP meetings. We play hardball.


What we found in the VAERS analysis below can be verified by anyone because it is all publicly accessible.

New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about



Part one

Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 11, 2021, 11:14 p.m. No.14980960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0981 >>1147 >>1150 >>1153 >>1165 >>1366 >>1403 >>1550 >>1594


Part one…posted in reverse, my apologizes.


As of November 1, 2021, there have been more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all 70+ vaccines combined since they started tracking adverse events 30 years ago. That’s a stunning statistic, nobody can deny it, but nobody in the mainstream medical community (or mainstream media) seems to care much. It’s not even worth noting in passing. Wow.


Here’s what the evidence shows:


The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history. They are 800 times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine which was the previous record holder. The vaccines have killed over 150,000 Americans and permanently disabled even more. They don’t make sense for anyone of any age. The younger you are, the worse it gets. For kids, it is estimated that we kill 117 kids for every COVID death we prevent.


The Pfizer 6 month trial showed the drug can save 1 life for every 22,000 people vaccinated. It also appeared from the trial that the drug killed more people than it saved (there were 20 deaths in the treatment group vs. 14 in placebo after unblinding). So we are “saving” fewer than 10,000 lives at the expense of over 150,000 deaths. In short, we kill 15 people to save 1. That’s incredibly stupid. But nobody in the Biden administration wants to meet with our team. They basically don’t want to hear the truth. Instead, they focus on deplatforming and censoring us which are techniques that are effective when the data doesn’t work out for you.


Both the FDA and CDC have proven inept in spotting safety signals. They can’t even compute the VAERS URF which is a number that is required for any serious risk-benefit analysis. So the FDA and CDC outside committee members are all flying blind in approving the vaccines. Even after this deficiency is pointed out in the public comments by yours truly (and direct emails to the committee members), it makes no difference. We are ignored. The CDC safety monitoring is so bad that they even admitted at the last ACIP meeting that it was the DoD that spotted the myocarditis signal. So the FDA and CDC have basically been batting .000 in terms of spotting safety signals that have been sitting in plain sight the entire time.


They can’t admit that they missed the signals now because that would be an admission they missed them before. So they will try to discredit this article with ad hominem attacks (this is a technique used to win an argument when you cannot win on the evidence).


The serious events we highlight below are all consistent with the mechanism of action that Robert Malone and I first described in the Darkhorse podcast. Namely, that the spike protein that is produced in response to the delivery of the mRNA is cytotoxic and results in blood clots, inflammation and scarring throughout your body which then creates a wider range of severe adverse events than any vaccine in human history.


The medical community is trained by the CDC to believe the vaccines are safe, so they interpret all the adverse events as not vaccine related. But if it wasn’t the vaccine that caused all these events, what was it? What’s worse is they tell their patients, “this is all in your head” or that “your baby died because you had a genetic defect.”


In general, patients believe their doctors and never figure out where to get a cytokine panel to discover that they are vaccine injured (go to to get the cytokine panel and IncellDx to get the spike protein assay). So people never learn how to rid their body of the spike protein either (see my article on vaccine treatment for the drugs they use to do this) which is the first step in the road to recovery.


The high adverse event rates aren’t “excess reporting.” It is due to excess events. For example, one neurologist had 0 cases of vaccine adverse events in her entire career, but this year, she has 2,000. Another physician I know has had 0 events in 29 years in his 700 patients. This year he needs to report 25 events. Physicians themselves have experienced stunningly higher incidence rates of reproductive, neurological, and cardiac events since the vaccines rolled in 2021. We couldn’t find a single cardiologist who actually had fewer cases of myocarditis after the vaccines rolled out as the members of the FDA and CDC claim.


What we found in the VAERS analysis below can be verified by anyone because it is all publicly accessible.


New VAERS analysis reveals hundreds of serious adverse events that the CDC and FDA never told us about

Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 11, 2021, 11:59 p.m. No.14981072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1078 >>1097 >>1147 >>1150 >>1153 >>1165 >>1366 >>1403 >>1550 >>1594

The leading U.S. manufacturer of xylitol-based products says the federal government is deliberately trying to conceal a nasal spray it developed that it says has been scientifically proven to be effective in treating and preventing COVID-19.


Feds Seek To Block Promotion Of Nasal Spray Against COVID-19

November 10, 2021


Xlear’s attorney Robert Housman, of the Washington firm Book Hill Partners, told The Epoch Times that the commission is “flat out lying” about the company’s claims being unsupported.


Housman pointed out that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)—along with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an arm of the Department of Health and Human Services—funded clinical studies of the use of nasal sprays like Xlear’s and published findings last year that found they were an effective treatment and method of prevention for COVID-19.


“When Xlear tells people about scientific studies, even ones republished by the NIH, we are somehow misleading people and making false claims. It’s nonsensical,” Housman told The Epoch Times.


“Rather than embrace nasal interventions, the government is trying to eliminate their use because they don’t fit the government’s highly flawed, vaccine-only agenda.”


On Sept. 20, 2020, the NIH and NIAID published the findings of a random clinical trial they funded at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee on the merits of using hypertonic nasal saline irrigations to combat the CCP virus.


The researchers in that study wrote that the “effect of nasal irrigation on symptom resolution was substantial,” reporting that “nasal congestion and headaches in COVID patients resolved an average seven to nine days earlier” in the study group.


“Our analysis suggests that nasal irrigations may shorten symptom duration and may have potential as a widely available and inexpensive intervention to reduce disease burden among those affected,” the researchers wrote in their findings.


“We would advocate the use of hypertonic nasal saline irrigations in non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients as a safe and inexpensive intervention to reduce symptom burden.”


Housman pointed out that the NIH also published the results of a clinical trial, held a few months later in November at the Larkin Community Hospital in Florida, that found the Xlear nasal spray specifically cleared symptoms of the disease in half the time.


In addition to the Tennessee and Florida trials, another random clinical trial—more recently conducted at Augusta University’s Emergency Department in Georgia—also concluded that the use of nasal spray was beneficial in treating COVID-19.


Researchers in the university trial, which is still ongoing, have so far found that patients with the CCP virus that participated in daily nasal irrigation were eight times less likely to be hospitalized than the national rate.


The Justice Department didn’t specifically cite the Larkin, Vanderbilt, or Augusta trials in its lawsuit.


It instead cited the results of lab studies conducted earlier at the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill and the University of Tennessee involving in vitro and animal testing, neither of which the DOJ and FTC argue is a viable way to test nasal spray for live, human COVID-19 patients.

The lawsuit additionally pointed out that the University of Tennessee study is based on a nasal spray containing iota-carrageenan, which the Xlear spray does not contain and, therefore, cannot be used as scientific evidence to support Xlear’s claims.


The lawsuit also stated that researchers at Chapel Hill admitted that without further research it couldn’t conclusively determine that “administering treatment through the nose is the best way to treat COVID-19.”


Housman said the trade commission cherry-picked findings within the lab studies to make them fit its agenda.


The federal government has warned companies against promoting nasal sprays for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19.


BlueWillow Biologics, a Michigan biopharmaceutical company that manufactures a nasal antiseptic, and the Miami-based company Halodine, which created a proprietary iodine-based nasal antiseptic swab, both received warning letters earlier this year from the FDA to discontinue their promotion of their nasal products as a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.


This article appeared at at:

Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 12, 2021, 3:09 a.m. No.14981488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ebola Outbreak Connected To Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and …

Before It's News | People Powered News › alternative › 2014/07 › ebola-outbreak-connected-to-…


Jul 28, 2014 … … in Sierra Leone, which houses a US a biosecurity level 2 bioweapons research lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and …


Before It's News | People Powered News › health › 2014/07 › us-government-behind-ebola-outb…


Jul 11, 2014 … US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola … research lab with links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Soros …

Read it Will Be Removed: Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it …

Before It's News | People Powered News › agenda-21 › 2014/09 › read-it-will-be-removed-proof…


Sep 30, 2014 … … In July 23, Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation announced on …

Major Alert: US Bio-Weapons - African Source Lab Exposed | Global …

Before It's News | People Powered News › global-unrest › 2014/10 › major-alert-us-bio-weapons…


Oct 14, 2014 … The simultaneous eruptions of this filovirus virus in widely … Sierra Leone closes us Bioweapons lab at centre of Ebola outbreak, …

Ebola Vaccine Weaponized…Don't Take it under any circumstance …

Before It's News | People Powered News › health › 2014/10 › ebola-vaccine-weaponized-dont-ta…


Oct 12, 2014 … Reason 2: Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds. … where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire …

The Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex Is World's Greatest Threat …

Before It's News | People Powered News › alternative › 2021/06 › the-pandemic-virus-industrial-…


Jun 29, 2021 … In 2014, an Ebola outbreak in West Africa was decisively blamed on … This research was largely funded by the U.S. Department of Defense.

Dead Ebola Patients Resurrect Right Before Funeral!? Zombie …

Before It's News | People Powered News › prophecy › 2014/09 › dead-ebola-patients-resurrect-ri…


Wednesday, September 24, 2014 16:29 … “Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected in .


Obama care….nwo mandated vaccines for everyone…Obama/gates/fauci connections

Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 12, 2021, 3:25 a.m. No.14981533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1534 >>1563

This “Ebola Outbreak” is a hoax designed to scare us into accepting the MANDATORY Ebola Vaccine patented by the CDC, the NIH and by eugenicist, Bill Gates. 2014


The CDC, NIH & Bill Gates Own the Patents On Existing Ebola & Related Vaccines: Mandatory Vaccinations Are Near

17 Sep, 2014 by Dave Hodges


I have previously reported that Monsanto, or Monsatan as many call them, has partnered with the Department of Defense to use a proxy third party company to develop a vaccine against Ebola. The seed money began at $1.5 million. The value of the deal could grow to an estimated $86 million dollars. The company’s name is Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TKMR) (TKM.TO), a leading developer of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics. “TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola virus RNAi therapeutic, is being developed under a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Medical Countermeasure Systems BioDefense Therapeutics (MCS-BDTX) Joint Product Management Office”. As breaking and shocking of a news story as this has the potential to be, the real story is that this is not the most important part of the Ebola threat which has invaded the United States. The truth of the matter is that these unholy and untrustworthy associations, when it comes to “fighting” the Ebola virus, represent the mere tip of the iceberg.


The more on digs into who is behind the creation and the development of vaccines for treating Ebola, the more the conspiracy networks widen. The most amazing fact is how incredibly easy it was to locate this information. I want to be clear on this point, Ebola was invented, a vaccine for Ebola has existed for 8-10 years, some government sponsored institutions as well as some of the global elite have positioned themselves to profit enormously from the spread of the virus and the development of and dissemination of mandatory Ebola vaccines and the imposition of total martial law in the process. Here is the proof.


Human ebola virus species and compositions and methods thereof

CA 2741523 A1


Amazingly, the CDC owns “the” patent on Ebola and all future strains.


The “SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION” section of the patent document also clearly claims that the U.S. government is claiming “ownership” over all Ebola viruses that share as little as 70% similarity with the Ebola it “invented”:


Why would a government organization claim to have “invented” this infectious disease and then claim a monopoly over its exploitation for commercial use? It is clear that the CDC plans to claim royalties on Ebola vaccines. This certainly increases the likelihood that the vaccines will become mandatory, thus increasing the profit potential for the patent holders.

Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 12, 2021, 3:26 a.m. No.14981534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1563


Part 2….Deja Vu, Anyone???


Publication number CA2741523 A1

Publication type Application

Application number CA 2741523

PCT number PCT/US2009/062079

Publication date Apr 29, 2010

Filing date Oct 26, 2009

Priority date Oct 24, 2008

Also published as EP2350270A2, 4 More »

Inventors Jonathan S. Towner, Stuart T. Nichol, James A. Comer, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Pierre E. Rollin

Applicant Jonathan S. Towner, 5 More »

Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan

Classifications (21), Legal Events (1)

External Links: CIPO, Espacenet


Clearly, Ebola is manmade and this patent proves this contention. Why does the CDC need to own the patent on Ebola? Perhaps, we should ask Bill Gates why he is donating $50 million to the UN and the CDC in the name of fighting Ebola (see video below). The CDC has partners in the fight against Ebola, namely, Crucell, the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and, of course, Bill and Melinda Gates.


Since when would Gates not expect a return on his investment? Gates and Michael Bloomberg have already contributed large sums of money to numerous vaccination causes such as the Global Polio Eradication Initiative originally launched in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The return on investment has been impressive.


Gates has announced that he plans to vaccinate every child in the third world with multiple vaccines, which could result in a dramatic population reduction of could reasonably suspect that Gates is positioning himself to profit on the $50 million he has invested in the Ebola cause which conveniently includes the CDC, the holder of the patent for Ebola.


The NIH presently holds all patents on Ebola vaccines. Crucell is much like Tekimara is to Monsanto in that they are fronting the science for the Ebola vaccine treatment patents.


Crucell is developing an Ebola vaccine in collaboration with the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) of the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).


Do you understand how much we are being lied to by the media on this topic? The work on an Ebola virus, sanctioned by the holder of the patent for the vaccine, the NIH), has been ongoing since 2004 with clinical trials in 2006. This explains why the CDC and the NIH are bringing Ebola patients into the country to treat. The moment that an Ebola patient crosses the U.S. border, they become the intellectual property of the CDC, NIH and Bill and Melinda Gates!


Interestingly, Bill Gates has donated a total of $560 million dollars to the Global Fund. The Global Fund has also positioned themselves to be in charge of the distribution of the “newly developed”, and not yet announced vaccines for TB and HIV. Since the goal is the vaccination of every man, woman and child on the planet with multiple vaccines, Gates’ $560 contribution to the Global Fund


I mentioned in Part One of this series that my best military insider source has told me that the Department of Homeland Security has taken over the plans for mandatory Ebola vaccinations and the imposition of martial law. I also mentioned in Part One how very few soldiers and police officers will actually realize that they are actually enforcing martial law since they are merely reacting to a “health crisis”, albeit contrived, which will involve severe travel restrictions and the quarantining of segments of the population of the country.

Anonymous ID: 661783 Nov. 12, 2021, 3:38 a.m. No.14981563   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Deja Vu??


Fauci U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH):

“We May Have to Vaccinate

Whole Countries to Stop Ebola Outbreak”


“Two days ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told The Canadian Press that it’s “quite conceivable, if not likely” that fast-tracked Ebola vaccines may have to be given to entire countries to get the viral outbreak under control:



“It is conceivable that this epidemic will not turn around even if we pour resources into it. It may just keep going and going and it might require a vaccine. As the epidemic gets more and more formidable and in some cases out of control it is quite conceivable, if not likely, that we may need to deploy the vaccine to the entire country to be able to shut the epidemic down. That is clearly a possibility. [emphasis added)”


October 12, 2014


(Red Cross involvement once again & possibly connected to organ harvesting….can you say Clinton foundation organ harvesting red cross, mayo clinic florida, Haiti, Haiti, Haiti….