Past past bread Ppb
“Because they were bored and it was funny”
Top fucking Kek. Have to read that a few more times because anon may have actual autism but that last line was gold
Past past bread Ppb
“Because they were bored and it was funny”
Top fucking Kek. Have to read that a few more times because anon may have actual autism but that last line was gold
Anon was always around doing things but never half-channed. Anons main fight was irl doing cool shit for humanity until skipper started posting. Jumped in like a slut at a cock party kek
They think by destroying our families and lives they can stop it. Not a chance. Also fucked up because … well… who would destroy a family? That’s just sick. Will take many years, longer than anons life, to prove they fucked with anons family. Not sure how to combat it so just taking it on the chin, as always
It’s an old play. It’s wearing thin, though. Anons are all over them, like WD-40 ona rusty bolt
Was gonna mention CERN but didn’t want to out of … fuck them. It does look like that, actually.
It’s “Bidan”, bro. That ain’t fucking Joe. If it is… anon will eat a pint of chicken livers without sauce
Only real question anon has is who in the fuck suggested he shave off his sideburns? What in the actual fuck is that? Retarded