Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:24 a.m. No.14983224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3296 >>3305 >>3589

UK Deploys Troops To Poland To "Fortify Border Fence" With Belarus


UK troops are being freshly deployed in Poland to assist in strengthening the border fence at points of entry into the EU along the Belarus-Poland border, at a moment the showdown continues and as Minsk and Moscow are ramping up their rhetoric in condemning Europe's hypocrisy.


Polish defense minister Mariusz Błaszczak made the announcement Friday, saying in a written statement that British military engineers will help repair and fortify border fences which have recently been breached by Middle East migrants on the other side, reportedly with the assistance of Belarusian security forces goading them on.


Poland and the Baltic allies Latvia and Lithuania, which have also declared states of emergencies at their respective borders with Belarus, have all charged the Alexander Lukashenko government with deliberately orchestrating the border provocations which have driven world headlines this week.


There are currently worries that the confrontation between Poland and Belarus could result in armed conflict, given currently both have troops on either side of the border, with thousands of migrants caught in the middle.


UK media reports detail that "The troops are likely from the light cavalry squadron that the UK currently has stationed in Poland as part of NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence, which includes soldiers from the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers.


The British troops will also provide reconnaissance support, given Poland has ramped up its monitoring activities of migrant caravan movements on the Belarusian side. Minsk has been further accused of actually flying migrants into Belarus from the Middle East in order to facilitation their passage into the EU. Most appear to be trying to make it to Germany given the ample social benefits provided there. The most contested EU cross appears to be in northeast Poland.


Mariusz Blaszczak tweeted Friday that "reconnaissance has begun before the support of British engineering troops will start. Our soldiers will establish cooperation in strengthening the fence on the Polish-Belarusian border."

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:26 a.m. No.14983238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3250 >>3261 >>3359

Austrian Chancellor Schallenberg: “I Don’t See Why Two-Thirds Should Lose Their Freedom Because One-Third Is Dithering” – Moves to Place MILLIONS of the Unvaccinated On Lockdown


Austria will impose new infringements on the unvaccinated 35% of the population, as infections soar to record highs.

65% of the country is already vaccinated.


Vaccinated individuals can still get sick, spread the virus, and even die.


The Gateway Pundit reported that Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg recently said, “We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” as he warned of the coming segregation.


The Chancellor has chosen to act on his discriminatory arrangement.


The Guardian reports,


The country’s worst-affected province of Upper Austria plans to introduce a lockdown for the unvaccinated from Monday next week following recommendations from medical experts.


Coronavirus deaths rose by 10% across the continent over the past week, making it the only world region where both Covid-19 cases and deaths are steadily increasing, according to a WHO report.


Austrian regional governor Thomas Stelzer described the situation as “dramatic” and said a lockdown would be introduced “provided there is a legal green light from the federal government or the federal government creates the legal basis”, the Austria Press Agency reports.


Those who are not vaccinated will have restrictions placed on their daily movements, including bans from restaurants, hotels, hairdressing salons and large public events.


The region will be the first to move into level five of Austria’s five-stage incremental government plan agreed in September that stipulates once 30% of intensive-care beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients, people not vaccinated against the coronavirus will be placed under lockdown. The current level is 20% and rising fast.


“According to the incremental plan we actually have just days until we have to introduce the lockdown for unvaccinated people,” chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a news conference on Thursday, adding that Austria’s vaccination rate was “shamefully low”.


Around 65% of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, national statistics show. Upper Austria records just under 60% of the total population vaccinated.


The Gateway Pundit reported, that the Austrian government plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people that would allow them to only leave their homes for specific reasons.


When the lockdowns are in place and another spike occurs, will they continue to blame the unvaccinated?

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:29 a.m. No.14983264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3291 >>3311 >>3336 >>3395

Obama Claims “Iran Will Be and Should Be a Regional Power” – By Destroying the US Dollar, Biden/Obama Will Help Make Them One


The centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System is an obstacle for Iranian access to the Global Financial System which is why John Kerry, the architect of the Nuclear Deal with Iran was appointed “US climate envoy”.

Kerry was appointed as “US climate envoy” because his task is to remove the obstacles for Iranian access to the Global Financial Systems which can only be done by destroying the centrality of the US Dollar. The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Deal Kerry signed with China and the Paris agreement can be understood in this context


In a 2015 interview with Thomas Friedman for the NYTimes Obama said “Iran Will Be And Should Be A Regional Power” (see video below)


To help Iran become a “Regional Power” Obama then signed the Nuclear Deal with Iran. On July 14 , 2015 Daniel Greenfield wrote in Frontpage Magazine that Obama signed the nuclear deal with Iran to cripple American power in the Middle East:


…Obama did not go into this to stop Iran from going nuclear. He did it to turn Iran into the axis of the Middle East…supporting Iran is his way of blocking the power of his successors in the White House to pursue a more pro-American foreign policy.


Obama made this deal to cripple American power in the Middle East.


Iran get to keep its nuclear facilities, its reactors, including the hidden underground fortified Fordow facility which Obama had repeatedly stated was, “inconsistent with a peaceful program.”


The deal gives Iran a “peaceful” nuclear program with an equally peaceful ballistic missile program. It puts into place a complicated inspection regime that can be blocked by Iran and its backers. It turns Iran into the new North Korea and the new Saddam Hussein, lavishing money on it while running future administrations through a cat and mouse game of proving violations by the terrorist regime.


And Obama made sure the Iran deal was written to make the proof as hard to obtain as possible.


That hasn’t stopped Obama from lying and claiming that “Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” Meanwhile France’s Foreign Minister, somewhat more accurately put it, “The IAEA will be able to gain access to Iran’s military sites, if necessary, under certain conditions.”


Iran will be able to stall for almost a month, offer alternatives, and then put the matter down to a vote. It will do this as many times as it can to wear down the nerves and attention of investigators. The practical process is routed through a separate roadmap which references separate arrangements and leaves the consequences unstated. It’s a bureaucratic rabbit hole with nothing at the other end.


Bureaucrats will pore over maps and argue over timetables for inspections schedules while Iran goes nuclear right under their noses.


The centrifuges will go on spinning and Iran will receive aid in developing its “peaceful” nuclear program. Obama’s $140 billion sanctions relief will flow into Iran’s weapons programs as Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered that “at least 5% of the public budget” go to the military with a special emphasis on “missile technology” for the terrorist state.


One of the first items on Iran’s shopping list will be Russia’s S300 missile system to keep Israel or a future American administration from taking out Iran’s nuclear program. But Iran is also pursuing ICBMs that can strike at Europe and America. Obama’s decision to phase out the ballistic missile sanctions on Iran will make it easier for Iran to build weapons that can destroy major American cities.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:31 a.m. No.14983277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3284 >>3297 >>3316 >>3330 >>3373 >>3391

Scientists Are Attempting to Grow Covid Vaccine-Filled Spinach, Lettuce, Edible Plants To Replace Covid Injections


Millions of people who have refused to get an experimental mRNA vaccine may soon be forced to consume the gene therapy in their food.


Researchers at the University of California were awarded a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation developing technology that infuses experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines into spinach, lettuce and other edible plants.


The team of nanobiotechnology experts is currently working on successfully delivering DNA containing mRNA BioNTech technology into chloroplasts, the part of the plants that instruct its cells’ DNA to replicate the vaccine material.


The researchers are tasked with demonstrating the genetically modified plants can produce enough mRNA to replace Covid jabs and infuse the plants with the right dosage required to eat to replace vaccines.


Experimental mRNA vaccines will be edible, Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associate professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences who is leading the research explained in a press release published by the university on Sept. 16.


“Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person,” Giraldo said. “We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens,”


“Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it,” he added.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:32 a.m. No.14983287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3331 >>3347 >>3366 >>3599 >>3665 >>3674

Large Stash Of Previously Unreported Emails Between Staley And Epstein Emerges, Some Reference "Snow White"


Less than two weeks ago, former Barclays CEO Jes Staley resigned over his unsavory ties to Jeffrey Epstein - which in turn followed the departure of another Epstein pal, Leon Black - who left private equity giant Apollo following an internal uprising over the relationship.


We may now know more about what prompted Staley's departure…


According to the Financial Times, Staley and Epstein exchanged 1,200 emails over a four-year span, which contained unexplained code words such as "snow white," according to people familiar with the emails.


Staley and Epstein became acquainted in the early 2000s, when Epstein was a client of JPMorgan's private bank. Staley notably visited Epstein in prison where he was serving time in 2009 for child prostitution. According to Staley, their relationship began to "taper off" after he left the bank in 2013 - except for the time he sailed his yacht to Epstein's 'pedo island' - after which he claims he had no contact with the notorious pedophile.


To recap, Staley resigned after UK regulators concluded that he mischaracterized his relationship with Epstein as purely professional - findings Staley says he will contest.


Many of the emails, sent between 2008 and 2012, were matter of fact — for example, discussing news articles or arranging to meet up for drinks — but showed a close relationship between the two men, according to the people familiar with the contents.


However, regulators have highlighted certain terms that do not have an obvious meaning. The “snow white” reference was written in a short, two-message exchange referring to a conversation the men had previously had in person, one of the people familiar with the matter said. Regulators at the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority are yet to draw conclusions over the phrase, a second person said. -FT


So, unless Epstein and Staley were cocaine addicts, we can only imagine what they were referring to.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.14983305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3951



Russia Deploys Paratroopers To Belarus After Blasting Increased NATO Reconnaissance In Region


On Friday the Kremlin said it's observed NATO increasing air reconnaissance flights over the Black Sea, according to defense sources cited in Interfax and TASS news agencies.


"In the past 24 hours, several reconnaissance planes were detected above the Black Sea. There is no more doubt that the United States is exploring the region as a possible theater of war," TASS cites Russian officials as saying.


And further: "The US and NATO have conducted an aerial operation in the Black Sea region, sources in the Russian Defense Ministry told the newspaper. A refueling aircraft has been deployed to the region, which made it possible for planes to remain in the air almost the entire day."


The Russian media reports say the US build-up is related to tensions over Belarus and Ukraine. This week has seen a full-blown crisis emerge at EU crossings on the Poland-Belarus border, also as Lithuania and Latvia also send additional troops and police to secure their borders as thousands of Middle East migrants are seeking entry from the Belarus side.


Currently, US and NATO allies, along with non-NATO forces from Ukraine, are also conducting naval drills in the Black Sea, led by two US warships. "According to the sources, the operation also involved the Ukrainian Armed Forces as Ukraine's Bayraktar drones were seen in the areas where NATO's aircraft conducted their flights," TASS continues, nothing increased US and Western assistance to Ukrainian forces. "The Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) stated earlier that NATO countries had stepped up activities involving their naval forces, aerial and maritime reconnaissance means."


Not only has Russia within the past couple days sent a pair of long-range bombers over Belarus in a show of support to the Alexander Lukashenko government, but on Friday the Kremlin ordered Russian paratroopers to deploy to Belarus as part of continued joint operations.


"On November 12, a Russian paratrooper unit will land on an unknown site on the territory of the Grodno region in the Republic of Belarus as part of a surprise combat readiness inspection of the Airborne Force and take part in a joint tactical exercise with units of the Belarusian armed forces," Russia's defense ministry said in a statement.


Media fresh US media reports have alleged Russia has resumed building up troops near eastern Ukraine…

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.14983317   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Apple quietly files patents for new unannounced product


Apple has filed multiple patents which describe a method of connecting small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to various wireless controllers – and has seemingly tried to keep its research project a secret.


The US Patent and Trademark Office published two patent applications from the Silicon Valley company on Thursday.


In an apparent bid to keep the project secret, Apple initially filed its patents in Singapore, according to Patently Apple, a blog that tracks the firm’s IPs. One of the patents is titled ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Tracking and Control’ and was filed in Singapore in March 2020.


That document outlines “a system and method for tracking and/or controlling… UAVs in a cellular network system,” suggesting that Apple has developed a method of connecting a drone to a wireless device like an iPhone.


Website, which covers Apple news, wrote that the company appears to be describing a way to have a drone “handed from one controller to another,” potentially mid-flight.


The filings could mean that the company wants to make drones that can be operated via iPhone or even gaming consoles, though Apple regularly files patents for ideas and not all of them come to fruition.


The tech giant has filed several patent applications related to drone technology over the past year, including one titled ‘EU Modem for Drones with Flight Path and 3D Wireless Environment Signal Quality Information.’

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.14983334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3651

Obama era official to become new FDA chief – reports


President Joe Biden is expected to nominate Robert Califf to lead the Food and Drug Administration, a job he briefly held during the Obama administration. He was hired by Google’s parent company after leaving the public sector.


The nomination of Califf to the position, which remained unfilled since Biden’s inauguration, is expected later on Friday. His tenure under Obama was a relatively short one, lasting less than a year.


Califf is a cardiologist, who spent most of his career at Duke University, his alma mater. Before becoming FDA’s commissioner in February 2016, he served in the agency’s Office of Medical Products and Tobacco for about a year.


In 2019, he was hired by Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to head its medical strategy. He received the position after acting as a consultant for the tech giant for over two years.


The Biden administration was almost out of time to find the replacement for acting FDA commissioner Janet Woodcock, who is required by law to abandon her temporary role on Monday, unless someone is nominated for her job.


Califf’s nomination by Obama received bipartisan support, but his newfound ties with the private sector and acute partisan division may make his confirmation process into an intense battle in the current split Senate.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:40 a.m. No.14983363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460

US Firms Splurge On Chinese Semi Deals, Aiding Beijing's Bid For Chip Dominance Despite Security Risks


All those back-door China "sponsored" deals meant to buy favors with one Hunter Biden are finally starting to pay dividends.


U.S. venture capital firms have been "ramping up investments" in Chinese semiconductor companies despite the obvious security conflicts, a new report from the Wall Street Journal says. Cumulatively, U.S. firms have helped raise "billions" for Chinese chip startups. There's been no word as to whether or not Chinese VC investors are buying any of Hunter Biden's art in return…


There has been more than 58 deals in China's semiconductor industry from 2017 to 2020, the report says. Among the "active investors" is Intel, who has invested in a Chinese company called Primarius Technologies Co., which makes chip-design tools that the U.S. currently holds the lead in making.


Intel told the WSJ its China investments "are less than 10% of the deals in a global portfolio designed to support its business and generate return".

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.14983396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese Regime Publicly Prices Human Organs to Normalize What Has Partly Been Black Market Trade: Experts


Several provinces and cities in China have released official guideline prices for human vital organs, such as livers, kidneys, and hearts. This is one of the actions taken by local governments following a notice issued by central authorities in July on fees and financial management measures for securing organs for transplant.


According to medical experts familiar with China’s organ transplant market, the actions indicate that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is attempting to normalize the country’s less than transparent organ transplant system as it continues to face pressure to disclose its sourcing of transplant organs.


In a July notice, the CCP ordered provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions to set their own rates for human organs effective Sept. 1.


In Henan Province, for example, six related departments, including the Health Commission, the Department of Finance, and the Market Supervision Administration, jointly issued “standard rates for donated organs.”


According to the list, organs for transplant include livers at 260,000 yuan ($40,700), kidneys at 160,000 yuan ($25,000), hearts at 100,000 yuan ($15,600), lungs at 80,000 yuan ($12,500), corneas at 10,000 yuan ($1,600), pancreas at 50,000 yuan ($7,800), small intestines at 50,000 yuan, and other organ segments.

Price Tags for Human Organs That Make No Medical Sense


Dr. Wayne Shih-wei Huang, a surgeon and director at the IRCAD Taiwan, Asia’s largest training center for minimally invasive surgery, said that the CCP is hoping to whitewash its black market transplant trade by putting a price tag on human organs.


Huang told The Epoch Times that the CCP document clearly states that the cost of obtaining what it says are donated organs is calculated based on resource consumption, technology, labor value, and public acceptability.


However, in the organ prices listed by province officials, a heart is much cheaper than a kidney, which makes no sense in terms of medical cost. The cost of obtaining a heart should be higher than that of a kidney, since the heart must be extracted, appropriately stored, and transported within hours.


Huang believes that the pricing of organs is instead a reflection of market value and demand, and nothing to do with medical cost.


In addition, both Hubei and Henan provinces listed different prices for organs for children and adults. The price in Henan province is 100,000 yuan ($15,600) for a child’s liver, less than half of the 260,000 yuan ($41,000) for an adult. The prices for single and double kidneys for children are also lower than those for adults by 60,000 yuan ($9,400) and 80,000 yuan ($12,500) respectively.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:47 a.m. No.14983440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3465 >>3560

Man Shot by Rittenhouse Changes Story, Says He Wasn’t Pointing Gun at Teenager


A man shot by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year now says he was not pointing his gun at the teenager.


Gaige Grosskreutz said under oath that he was pointing a handgun he took with him into Kenosha on Aug. 25, 2020, at Rittenhouse when the teenager shot him.


“It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him with your gun—now your hand’s down—pointed at him, that he fired, right?” one of Rittenhouse’s lawyers, Corey Chirafisi, asked Grosskreutz in court this week.


“Correct,” Grosskreutz said.


But the Milwaukee man insisted during his first interview after taking the stand that he was actually not pointing his gun at Rittenhouse.


“I do believe that in that photo, given the right narrative, one could suggest that yes, I was pointing my weapon at the defendant. But when you play it as a movie, or look at different stills, my arm was being vaporized as I was allegedly pointing my weapon at the defendant,” Grosskreutz said on ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Thursday.


“It’s completely inconsistent with the physiology of my wound that he would have shot me while my weapon was pointed at his head,” he added.


Host Michael Strahan noted that Grosskreutz was not under oath before seeking to clarify his remarks.


“So you’re saying that you actually didn’t, you weren’t pointing your gun at him? Is that what you’re saying?” he asked.


“That’s absolutely what I’m saying,” Grosskreutz said.


Mark Richards, Rittenhouse’s lead defense lawyer, declined to comment in an email to The Epoch Times.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:49 a.m. No.14983457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3463 >>3512

Buttigieg: ‘Surest Way’ to Solve Supply Chain Issue Is Vaccination


Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Friday continued to emphasize the importance of ending the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to fix the supply chain issues around the United States.


Earlier this week, Buttigieg stressed that the “only way” to solve the supply chain issues the nation has been experiencing was “to end the pandemic.”


The transportation secretary doubled down on that remark, telling CBS’s “Mornings” that was why the White House has been pushing its vaccination campaign.


“I break it down into three parts,” Buttigieg said when asked what the Biden administration was doing to solve the issue. “First of all, we’ve got to deal with the pandemic. This is largely a pandemic-driven set of issues, so the surest way to deal with it is to end the pandemic, which is why we have this vaccination campaign and everything else we’re doing. That’s the first part.”


“The second part, of course, is that we can’t wait,” he continued. “So, there are immediate actions like what’s in the president’s port action plan. We’re seeing sweeper ships going around to pick up empty containers that are getting in the way — really creative ideas like pop-up ports that are actually inland in Georgia so you can move the containers out of where they might be blocking the path for more ships to unload and sorting them out further inland. Even fines and fees for those shippers who are leaving their containers out, which is contributing to the slowdowns and the issues. Then, we’ve got the long-term picture. We’ve got to invest in a big way in American ports and infrastructure, which is why this bipartisan infrastructure deal that just passed Congress is such a big deal. So, that’s how I would think about it, the immediate and the long term, and we’re working on both.”

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:52 a.m. No.14983482   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Director Told Former Agents The Bureau Will ‘Stay In Its Own Lane’ And Won’t Be Attending School Board Meetings


FBI Director Christopher Wray “made it clear” that FBI agents “would not be attending school board meetings” and the Bureau “would stay in its own lane,” during remarks at an October national conference for former agents, an attendee told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“He made it clear he didn’t want it to be any misconception, that there’s going to be FBI agents out there looking over the shoulder of parents or monitoring school board meetings and the like,” Cecil Moses, a retired FBI special agent and former police chief in Alabama, told the DCNF. “He made the comment that the Bureau will stay in his own lane and I think that’s a very, very cogent comment.”

“The question is, why does he do it?” Mark Vines, a former FBI agent and host of the podcast “The Mark Vines Show,” told the DCNF. “It was to put a chill, it was to send a message to the American people: don’t do this, because we’re gonna come after you. Now, the reality is different, but it doesn’t matter. It seems like this administration, much of this is messaging.”


FBI Director Christopher Wray “made it clear” during an October speech that FBI agents “would not be attending school board meetings” and the Bureau “would stay in its own lane,” a former agent who saw the speech told the Daily Caller News Foundation.


Cecil Moses, a retired FBI special agent and former police chief in Alabama, was in Scottsdale, Arizona, for the national conference for the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI, where he said Wray met with former agents on Oct. 22 and assured them that the Bureau would not be monitoring school board meetings.


“He made it clear he didn’t want it to be any misconception, that there’s going to be FBI agents out there looking over the shoulder of parents or monitoring school board meetings and the like,” Moses told the DCNF. “He made the comment that the Bureau will stay in his own lane and I think that’s a very, very cogent comment.”


Parents across the country have joined a nationwide movement against what they believe is harmful ideology permeating American public schools. Many parent activists have shown up at school board meetings to air their grievances, which were likened to “the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” by the National School Boards Association (NSBA) in a Sept. 29 letter to President Joe Biden’s administration.


On Oct. 4, Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a memorandum instructing the FBI to “use its authority” to work with local law enforcement to investigate parents who have contributed to a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” following the NSBA letter. Parents fought back against the characterization.


Moses said the memorandum issued by Garland was “ill advised” and “really caught the bureau by surprise.” He stated that he doesn’t believe the memo was discussed prior to release in the way a statement of that nature normally would be.


Moses said his familiarity with the investigative guidelines that were promulgated by the DOJ memorandum leads him to believe that what Garland proposed violates of the department’s own guidelines, regarding what the FBI can and cannot do with respect to private citizens.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:53 a.m. No.14983491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3502 >>3514

Google’s Veterans Day Doodle Appears To Feature A Male Marine Wearing A Dress

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:56 a.m. No.14983516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3531

Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows now faces criminal contempt of Congress charges for REFUSING to appear for his January 6 testimony


Donald Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows is facing criminal contempt of Congress charges for refusing to appear for testimony in front of the January 6 committee.


Panel chairman, Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, wrote to Meadows' attorney on Thursday night to say there is 'no valid legal basis' for Meadow's noncompliance with panel's subpoena and gave him until 10am on Friday to respond.


Meadows defied the request and now could be the second Trump aide to be potentially hit with charges after the House referred Steve Bannon to the Department of Justice last month.


The White House counsel's office told Meadows he had no claims of privilege to avoiding appearing before the committee and on Thursday, Thompson warned that Meadows could face criminal charges if he doesn't appear.


'The Select Committee will view Mr. Meadows's failure to appear at the deposition, and to produce responsive documents … as willful non-compliance. Such willful noncompliance with the subpoena would force the Select Committee to consider invoking the contempt of Congress procedures,' Thompson noted, 'which could result in a referral from the House of Representatives to the Department of Justice for criminal charges.'


The White House on Thursday notified Meadows' lawyer that President Joe Biden would waive any executive privilege that would prevent Meadows from cooperating with the committee's investigation.


Meadows' attorney George Terwilliger has said his client 'remains under the instruction of former President Trump to respect longstanding principles of executive privilege.'


'Legal disputes are appropriately resolved by courts,' said Terwilliger said in a statement Friday morning. 'It would be irresponsible for Mr. Meadows to prematurely resolve that dispute by voluntarily waiving privileges that are at the heart of those legal issues.'

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.14983526   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Zealand Tells Schools to Phone the Police if Unvaccinated Staff Show Up


Authorities in New Zealand have told schools to phone the police if unvaccinated staff show up for work.


Yes, really.


“The advice, published in the Ministry’s gazette on Thursday, tells school leaders that if they, or any education staff, turn up to work on Monday unvaccinated against Covid, they will be committing an offence,” reports the Mail Australia.


Any staff member who hasn’t had the COVID vaccine by November 15th who tries to enter school grounds will be subject to a fine as part of the country’s “no jab, no job” policy.


“If staff do turn up on site after this date, we encourage school leaders to deal with this in the usual manner you would if other inappropriate people were to turn up on site,” states the advice from the Ministry of Education.


“If you feel your safety or the safety of akonga (pupils or students) or other staff is compromised, you could consider contacting the police.”


As we previously highlighted, New Zealand has imposed one of the most brutal lockdowns in the developed world, in some instances locking down entire areas of the country after just a single COVID case.


Earlier this summer, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern mimicked Australia’s top public health official by telling citizens, “Don’t talk to your neighbors.”


“Stay local and do not congregate, don’t talk to your neighbors, please keep to your bubbles,” said Ardern.


Meanwhile, people in New Zealand who die as a result of being shot to death are being counted as official COVID-19 fatalities.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 9:59 a.m. No.14983545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3568 >>3738 >>3758 >>3792

Newsweek: CIA Director: ‘We Are On the Way to a Right-wing Coup’

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:05 a.m. No.14983594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3604

Non-binary professor advocates to destigmatize pedophiles in new book


In an interview with Prostasia's Noah Berlatsky, Old Dominion professor Allyn Walker justified feelings of pedophilia and the people who have them. Walker wants to destigmatize feelings of pedophilia, digs into the idea that pedophilia is simply a sexual orientation that a person should not act upon, and claims that trying to get pedophiles to not be pedophiles would be akin to "conversion therapy," which they say is "not at all effective."


Walker claims that there's a difference between sexual offenders and pedophiles, or as she terms them, "minor attracted persons." So-called MAPs, Walker said, can be attracted to minors regardless of whether or not they have gone through puberty. Their attraction to minors, Walker claims, is not immoral if they haven't acted on it.


Walker, who uses they/them pronouns, was speaking about the research in their new book, A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity, a book justifying the feelings of pedophiles. Walker is an assistant professor in the sociology and criminal justice department at Old Dominion University.

During the interview with Berlatsky, Walker spoke about why they use the term "minor attracted person" to describe pedophiles.


"I use the term minor attracted person or map in the title and throughout the book for multiple reasons," said Walker, who "is a white, queer, nonbinary trans person."


"First of all, because I think it's important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them. And MAP advocacy groups like B4UAct have advocated for use of the term that they've advocated for it primarily because it's less stigmatizing than other terms like pedophile."

"A lot of people when they hear the term pedophile, they automatically assume that it means a sex offender," Walker justified. "And that isn't true, and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors. I've definitely heard the idea that you brought up though that the use of the term 'minor attracted person' suggests that it's okay to be attractive to children, but using a term that communicates who someone is attracted to, it doesn't indicate anything about the morality of that attraction."

For Walker, "there is no morality or immorality attached to attraction to anyone because no one can control who they’re attracted to at all. In other words, it’s not who we’re attracted to that’s either okay or not, okay. It’s our behaviors and responding to that attraction that are either okay or not okay."

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:07 a.m. No.14983613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3620 >>3639 >>3646 >>3648 >>3748 >>3867

Don Lemon Is In SERIOUS Trouble After Rape Victim Turns Down THREE Settlement Offers: ‘The Truth About This Monster Must Come Out’


The man who accused CNN host Don Lemon of raping him says his pending lawsuit isn’t about money, it’s about exposing the truth about Don Lemon’s hideous crimes.


It’s been over two years since Dustin Hice filed a bombshell sexual assault lawsuit against Lemon, accusing the CNN host of violently raping him at a bar on New York’s Long Island in 2018.


The case is expected to end up in court early 2022, after a lengthy legal delay in which Lemon repeatedly tried to silence him through a series of settlement offers.


“If this was about money, I would [have] taken any of the three separate settlement attempts he’s offered me,” Hice told Fox News on Tuesday. reports: Hice maintains he is looking for closure and peace of mind after what he says is a horrific encounter that included the CNN star allegedly putting his hand down the front of his shorts, “vigorously” rubbing his genitalia, and shoving the same hand into Hice’s mustache area while asking a vulgar question.


“Lemon intensely pushed his fingers against Plaintiff’s face under Plaintiff’s nose, forcing Plaintiff’s head thrust backward as Defendant repeatedly asked Plaintiff, ‘Do you like p—y or d–k?’ While saying this, Mr. Lemon continued to shove his fingers into Plaintiff’s face with aggression and hostility,” the lawsuit filed Aug. 11, 2019 in Suffolk County Court alleged.


“This horrible ordeal has taken a huge toll on not only me, but my loved ones as well,” Hice said. “I’m just ready to get this behind me but our day in court is coming soon enough.”


Hice first discussed turning down three settlement offers Monday on SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show.”


In an answer to the complaint, Lemon denied all wrongdoing and called the suit “frivolous.”


Last year, Hice told Fox News Digital Lemon offered a settlement before talks broke down and the formal complaint was filed.


“I’m not doing this for notoriety or fame, I’m doing this because I’m standing up for myself and what I believe in,” Hice told Fox News Digital last year. “I’ve grown a new respect for people dealing with mental health issues because stress, depression, anxiety, those are all very serious things. It consumed my life.”


Hice also previously told Fox News Digital the alleged “vile, disgusting, lewd and inhumane” attack by Lemon would be treated much differently if Hice were a woman.


The alleged incident occurred at Murf’s Backstreet Tavern, in the prestigious Sag Harbor town of the Hamptons area east of New York City in July 2018. Lemon’s attorney told Fox News Digital that “Hice has no eyewitness to the conduct he falsely accuses Mr. Lemon of having engaged in” and “does not plan to call any expert witness to support his grandiose claims for emotional distress.”

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:10 a.m. No.14983631   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Goldman Sachs is using American money to stave off China’s real estate woes


Goldman ventures where others fear to tread, snapping up Chinese developers’ high-yield bonds, side stepping contagion risk

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:28 a.m. No.14983744   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ex-Netanyahu aide said set to testify to family’s involvement in media matters


Some details from Nir Hefetz’s prep-meeting with prosecution leaked to press, revealing state’s witness’s claims against the former PM, his wife and son


When he takes the stand next Tuesday, a key witness in the criminal trial of former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu will testify to the deep involvement the ex-premier’s wife and son had in the country’s media landscape while he was in office, according to a report Friday.


Nir Hefetz, a former Netanyahu aide and confidant turned state’s witness, will provide testimony in Case 4000 — one of three against the former premier. In it, Netanyahu is charged with illicitly and lucratively benefiting the business interests of Bezeq’s controlling shareholder, Shaul Elovitch, in exchange for positive coverage on the Elovitch-owned Walla news website. He is accused of abusing his powers when he served as both prime minister and communications minister from 2014 to 2017.


Hefetz sat down with state prosecutors to prepare for his testimony and some details from the recent meeting were leaked to Channel 13.


The former Netanyahu aide will testify that the former premier’s wife Sara was involved in the hiring of spokespeople in the Prime Minister’s Office, according to the transcripts.


Hefetz will also highlight the family’s “obsession” with the media, particularly the Walla news site at the center of Case 4000. Spokespeople were made aware that part of their job was to “correct the historical injustice done to Sara Netanyahu as a result of her husband’s public role,” Hefetz told prosecutors.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:31 a.m. No.14983768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Author of ultra-Orthodox 'Kids Speak' series accused of raping minors


Two women have come forward to testify against ultra-Orthodox author Chaim Walder, alleging that he would engage in sex with them regularly when they were age 12 and 15.


Ultra-Orthodox Israeli author Chaim Walder allegedly engaged in sex with minors, two girls aged 12 and 15, according to an investigation published in Haaretz on Friday morning.

Additionally, a third testimony alleged that Walder regularly raped a 20-year-old woman, his therapy patient, on a regular basis.

Walder is a well-known author publishing literature for children and young adults in the Ultra-Orthodox world, with his series Kids Speak (in Hebrew - Yeladim Mesaprim Al Atzmam) selling over two million copies of his books in ultra-Orthodox communities across Israel and the Diaspora. The first book in the series became one of the top five best-selling books in Israel of all time.

In the testimony shared with Haaretz, Talia (not her real name) recounted the first time she met Walder, at the age of 12, more than 20 years ago.

Upon meeting her, Walder told the girl that she was "very mature," and that he liked the way she looked. "He was very smart and manipulative," Talia told the newspaper. "He did it very slowly, so as not to stress me out."

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.14983819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Advanced British Spy Aircraft Spotted Flying Near Russian Bases On Syria’s Coast


On November 12, an advanced RC-135W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft of the Royal Air Force (RAF) was spotted by aviation observers while conducting an unusual mission over the Eastern Mediterranean.


The large reconnaissance aircraft flew off the coast of Syria and Lebanon for more than five hours, before departing to its home base. The aircraft was most likely spying on Russia’s main bases on the Syrian coast, Hmeimim Air Base and Tartus Naval Base, and possibly on positions of Hezbollah in Lebanon.


The RC-135W was originally developed for the US Air Force by a number of companies, including General Dynamics, Lockheed, LTV, E-Systems and L3 Technologies. The aircraft is equipped to detect, identify and geolocat signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum.


The United Kingdom bought three old KC-135R aircraft in 2010, then upgraded them to the RC-135W Rivet Joint standard under the “Airseeker project”. The acquisition of the three advanced aircraft was budgeted at £634 million, with entry into service in October of 2014.


The aircraft formed No. 41 Squadron of the RAF. They are currently based at Royal Air Force Waddington station in England.


RAF spy aircraft have been very busy recently. Just a day earlier, the Ministry of Defense of Russia said that it had scrambled a Su-30 fighter jet to intercept a British RC-135W aircraft that attempted to approach Crimea.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:37 a.m. No.14983828   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Swedish Doctors Want Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Banned After Subcontractor Fraud Exposed


As we have previously reported, a Pfizer subcontractor is being accused of falsifying data, unblinding patients, hiring inadequately trained vaccinators, and failing to follow up on reported adverse reactions during the company’s Covid-19 vaccine trials.


These shocking revelations were reported in a paper published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), revealing that the company, called Ventavia Research Group, heavily manipulated the phase III study for Pfizer’s covid vaccine during the autumn of 2020, just months before it was rushed into production and distribution.


This incriminating information was sent to the BMJ by a company whistle-blower, which in turn prompted a group of 16 Swedish doctors and researchers to circulate a petition calling on the Pfizer vaccine to no longer be administered in the Nordic country.


Sputnik News reported: “The staff who performed quality checks were reportedly overwhelmed by the amount of problems they discovered. The BMJ (study) concluded that the trial raised questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.”


The 16 signatories of the petition called the revelations “extremely serious,” adding that the adverse reactions associated with Pfizer’s jabs are “gigantic.”


“For instance, in Sweden alone during the ten months that vaccination has taken place wholly 83,744 suspected side effects have been reported – which is more than ten times more than all side effects reported for all drugs and vaccines per year in the immediately preceding years, for a total of about 25,000 substances, the authors emphasised,” Sputnik explained.


The 16 Swedish researchers say that it is clear that Pfizer’s phase III clinical trial was “not performed in a scientifically acceptable manner.” This also means that its results “cannot be considered reliable:


“… combined with the large extent of reported suspected adverse reactions after vaccination, including many of serious nature, makes us, doctors, researchers and immunologists deeply concerned, not least for children who are at extremely low risk of serious COVID-19 disease, but who are at risk of serious side effects,” the signatories added.


Until a proper risk-benefit analysis can be conducted on the Pfizer vaccine, the signatories are calling for an immediate moratorium on the drug for all age groups.


Since speaking out, the whistle-blower, Brook Jackson, has been fired from her position as regional director at Ventavia, which is based in Texas. Jackson’s firing reportedly occurred almost immediately after she filed a complaint with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the situation.


Jackson provided the BMJ with tons of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails that substantiate her claims. However, the FDA was not interested in her complaints.

Anonymous ID: a84cc5 Nov. 12, 2021, 10:43 a.m. No.14983866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Instagram censors suggestions Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense


Deleting posts.


Musician and podcaster Jordan Sarmo has announced that Instagram deleted his post about Kyle Rittenhouse, a teen who is on trial for first degree murder of two men – that he says he committed in self-defense, as he was being chased and feared for his life.


But the case has become just the latest in a flurry of highly divisive issues plaguing US society, and mainstream social media seem to have chosen to err on the side of censorship and stifle any voices supporting Rittenhouse, even though the trial is still in progress and he is therefore presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Sarmo’s post that Instagram censored showed Rittenhouse break down in tears while he was testifying about the events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the rioting in the summer of 2020.

In a follow-up post on Instagram, Sarmo was incredulous that the video from the courthouse – which is otherwise being shown on news outlets, without censorship by social media – was qualified as going against the rules enforced by Facebook’s image sharing platform.


The comment Sarmo added to the video showing the distressed teen take the stand said that what the media had done to Rittenhouse was “evil,” and added, “Prayers up for Kyle as he has to relive through this trauma.”


Instagram said this went against its guidelines on violence or dangerous organizations, and the giant stuck to its guns even after Sarmo appealed against the decision to delete the post.


The podcaster and musician’s comment on this was that free speech is “really dead” and that the situation is “insane.”


Over on Twitter, Sarmo posted the same video, once again urging people to pray for Rittenhouse and explaining that the defendant appeared to be having a panic attack as he recounted his encounter with the two men he ended up shooting, Joseph Rosenbaum and Joshua Zimiski.


As he was trying to describe the moments before shooting Rosenbaum, the teen became so upset that the judge called a break.


This post by Sarmo is still up on Twitter, the only difference being that unlike in the one on Instagram, this time, he did not call out the media.


Ashley St. Clair, a political commentator, also says that Instagram removed a video she posted that showed Kyle Rittenhouse crying during the ongoing trial. Instagram claimed the video violated its policies on supporting violence and dangerous organizations.


“Instagram removed the video I posted of Kyle Rittenhouse crying,” St. Clair explained in a Nov. 10 tweet. “It apparently violates their guidelines on squints violence & dangerous organizations. Give me a break!”