Anonymous ID: e3fe9b May 21, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.1498512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8701 >>8806 >>9003 >>9136

Justice Department To Expand Internal Inquiry After Top-Level Meeting With Trump


The Justice Department is broadening its internal investigation into the FBI's Russia inquiry after a top-level meeting at the White House on Monday with President Trump.


Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be asked to look into "any irregularities" with the "tactics concerning the Trump campaign," said White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats met Monday with Trump and White House chief of staff John Kelly.


"It was also agreed that White House chief of staff Kelly will immediately set up a meeting with the FBI, DOJ, and DNI together with congressional leaders to review highly classified and other information they have requested," Sanders said.


The president has been on offense against Justice and the FBI following press reports that described the use of a confidential informant by investigators as they looked into Russian agents' overtures to Trump campaign aides in 2016.


According to the reports, the informant met with Trump campaign advisers to try to learn more about whether they had relationships with any foreign governments.


Trump and his supporters say the stories amount to suggestions that President Barack Obama's administration improperly spied on the Trump campaign.


The allegations also follow an earlier charge, which was later deflated, that Obama ordered a wiretap at Trump Tower and that Obama-era officials may have improperly viewed intelligence that involved Trump campaign aides.


Trump vowed on Twitter over the weekend that he would "officially" demand information from the Justice Department and the FBI about the early phases of the Russia investigation.


I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 20, 2018


Separately on Monday, Trump's ally Chuck Grassley, the Iowa Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he wants more documents from the Justice Department about a figure connected to the infamous dossier about Trump that appeared publicly in early 2017.


Grassley said he wants emails, phone records, notes and other materials by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr related to the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who wrote the dossier.


Steele was commissioned by a U.S. private intelligence company to research Trump's ties to Russia, and his work was underwritten by Democrats. People in the case have said that Steele was so alarmed by what he discovered that he volunteered to make his reports to the FBI. One of his contacts was Ohr, whose wife also was employed by the same political research shop.



Anonymous ID: e3fe9b May 21, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.1498700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8950

Calls About ADHD Medication Misuse for Children Increased Over 60 Percent in a 15-Year Period


study released Monday revealed that calls to U.S. poison control centers over unnecessary exposure to ADHD medication in children and young adults increased by 64 percent between 2000 and 2014. That figure may not capture the true scope of ADHD abuse, as it does not cover emergency room visits or those who did not seek any help.


The study, published online in the journal Pediatrics, looked at calls to U.S. poison control centers over incidents related to ADHD medication exposure among individuals aged zero to 19. The report covered unnecessary exposure, which included ingestion, inhalation or absorption of ADHD medication. Unintentional exposure was more common in children under 13, while intentional exposure increased in children over 13.


OBJECTIVES: To describe the characteristics and trends of exposures to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications among individuals 0 to 19 years old reported to US poison control centers.


METHODS: National Poison Data System data from 2000 through 2014 were retrospectively analyzed to examine pediatric ADHD medication exposures.


RESULTS: From 2000 through 2014, there were 156 365 exposures reported to US poison control centers related to ADHD medications. The overall rate of reported exposures increased 71.2% from 2000 to 2011, followed by a 6.2% decrease from 2011 to 2014. Three-fourths (76.0%) of exposures involved children ≤12 years old. Methylphenidate and amphetamine medications accounted for 46.2% and 44.5% of exposures, respectively. The most common reason for exposure was therapeutic error (41.6%). Intentional medication exposures (including suspected suicide and medication abuse and/or misuse) were reported most often among adolescents (13–19 years old), accounting for 50.2% of exposures in this age group. Overall, the majority of exposed individuals (60.4%) did not receive health care facility treatment; however, 6.2% were admitted to a hospital for medical treatment, and there were 3 deaths. The increasing number and rate of reported ADHD medication exposures during the study period is consistent with increasing trends in ADHD diagnosis and medication prescribing. Exposures associated with suspected suicide or medication abuse and/or misuse among adolescents are of particular concern.


CONCLUSIONS: Unintentional and intentional pediatric exposures to ADHD medications are an increasing problem in the United States, affecting children of all ages.