Anonymous ID: f5e670 May 21, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.1498516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

List of positions filled by presidential appointment with Senate confirmation that could be appointed AAG.


enate, it's back to the shoe store on Monday for you.


Across the federal government, nearly 1,200 executive level jobs may be filled only by individuals appointed by the president and approved by a simple majority vote of the Senate.


For new incoming presidents, filling many, if not most, of these vacated positions as quickly as possible represents a major part of their presidential transition process, as well as taking a significant portion of time throughout the remainder of their terms.


''What Kind of Jobs are These?

According to a Congressional Research Service report, these presidentially-appointed positions requiring Senate approval can be categorized as follows:


Secretaries of the 15 Cabinet agencies, deputy secretaries, under secretaries and assistant secretaries, and general counsels of those agencies: Over 350 positions

Justices of the Supreme Court: 9 positions (Supreme Court justices serve for life subject to death, retirement, resignation or impeachment.)

Certain jobs in the independent, non-regulatory executive branch agencies, like NASA and the National Science Foundation: Over 120 positions

Director positions in the regulatory agencies, like the Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration: Over 130 positions

U.S. Attorneys and U.S. Marshals: About 200 positions

Ambassadors to foreign nations: Over 150 positions

Presidential appointments to part-time positions, like the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: Over 160 positions''

Anonymous ID: f5e670 May 21, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.1498634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8655 >>8663

DOJ Succession.

Jessie K. Liu next in line after AAG.

Or hundreds of senate confirmed executive appointees.