Bakes did it again with the hot tub
Spoopy planes on MonkeyWerx
Who is Tony Martinor Martinez?
This plane is one of many that makes a lot of clandestine flights out of Naples, but often with even less flight information or history.
The pic posted was the one used in the article, presumably from a 2015 incident since there is no photo yet of the Connecticut damage.
He's purposefully staying away from naming people, which I can understand because he's on YouTube. It's pretty common knowledge (at least here) that CIA runs a lot of these store-front companies, so I'm guessing Martin / Martinez is some kind of spook asset. Especially this Bartin Logistics has only been around 2 years. Perfect timing for this operation.
I honestly get tired of Bannon and the whole gravity he tries to create. So he's a big showman, controversial in his own way, trying to be bigger than life. If he is part of the bigger picture, then he sure is tiresome.
Sounds encouraging. Ima be starting it soon. How did you decide on 1/8 teaspoon? Have read different recommendations.
Between him and Guo, its like they have some big fucking scheme going, and I can't tell if its only for personal gain or what. His whole cultivated 'field jacket' image, I dunno….I guess I see dishonesty overall. Just a vibe.