Anonymous ID: fba496 Nov. 12, 2021, 5:18 p.m. No.14986893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926 >>6960


Please….if youre gonna use gematria…. please look in Donald Trump… good or bad, look into it….


Donald Trump, Jesuit

educated, posed with Pope Francis, at the Vatican, May 24, 2017, the

144th day of the year.

Jesuit = 10+5+19+21+9+20 = 84

Order = 15+18+4+5+18 = 60

Jesuit Order = 84+60 = 144

Government = 2+3+5+4+9+4+5+4+4+7 = 47 (Reverse Pythagorean)

Authority = 1+3+2+8+6+9+9+2+7 = 47 (Pythagorean)

President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47 (Pythagorean)

Trump = 7+9+6+14+11 = 47 (Reverse Simple English)

*Caesar = 3+1+5+19+1+18 = 47 (Simple English)

White House = 4+1+9+7+4+1+3+6+8+4 = 47 (Reverse Pythagorean)

Republican = 9+5+7+3+2+3+9+3+1+5 = 47 (Pythagorean)

Whig = 23+8+9+7 = 47 (Simple English)

Democrat = 5+4+5+3+6+9+8+7 = 47 (Reverse Pythagorean)

D.C. = 23+24 = 47 (Reverse Simple English)


For a few more examples, it’s not an accident that Donald

Trump was in the 47 story Midtown Hilton Hotel the night of the

rigged selection, and it’s not an accident Obama became President at

age 47, alongside the 47th Vice President, Joe Biden, who was at the

center of the ‘Ukraine’ investigation (pure theater), a nation summing

to 47 with Reverse Pythagorean. It’s also not an accident that

Abraham Lincoln said, “Four score and seven years ago,” or that the

United States’ birthday can be written 4/7. Speaking of which, the

masonic compass and square used by the Scottish Rite out of ‘France’,

a nation summing to 47 with Simple English, is set at 47 degrees, in

tribute to the 47th Problem of Euclid, otherwise known as the

Pythagorean Theorem. It is wise to note, Pythagoras is considered by

some to be the first Freemason and the name ‘Pythagoras’ equates with

‘Washington’ in all four base ciphers, a perfect match. Try your skills

out and see for yourself. Other words having logical relationships and

perfect matches are plentiful, try ‘witch’ and ‘broom’, or ‘judge’ and

‘gavel’. Speaking of which, the latter two sum to 47 using Simple

English, and not by chance, Trump’s first picked Supreme Court

Justice, Neil Gorsuch, was confirmed on April 7, 2017, emphasis on

4/7. As for the 47th Problem of Euclid, it symbolizes how to establish a

perfectly square ‘foundation’, a word summing to 47 with Pythagorean

Gematria. This pairs well with the fact that L’Enfant, the French

Freemason, laid out D.C., the land of 47, where the Washington

Monument’s cornerstone was also laid on July Fourth.

Anonymous ID: fba496 Nov. 12, 2021, 5:21 p.m. No.14986926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6995




For your learning, I must mention Truman’s birthday, May 8,

1884, emphasis on 5/8, as well as the year ‘84. Using Pythagorean

Gematria, ‘Freemasonry’, ‘secret society’ and ‘Solomon’s Temple’

each equate to 58. Of course, Freemasonry is a secret society, and

most of its secrets are in legends of Solomon’s Temple. It is for this

reason that Donald Trump announced from his 58 story Trump Tower,

that he was running for U.S. President in the 58th U.S. Presidential

Election. The significance of the number is also why he hired the 58

year old Steve Ray for inauguration day, and it connects to why

Hillary Clinton wrote the book, ‘What Happened’, summing to 58 with

Pythagorean Gematria, about why she lost the election. Regarding

Hillary, keep in mind Freemasonry is a fraternity for men. And when

you apply Reverse Pythagorean Gematria, you’ll notice the word

‘fraternal’ sums to 58 as well.

One question we have not yet fully answered, is why go

through all this trouble of mathematical calculation, and date planning,

and name and word coordinating? As covered, this code is associated

with God’s way of operating, as it is taught in Kabbalah. Furthermore,

there is another important set of occult teachings that the secret

societies, including The Cabal, are heavily invested in, and that is

Hermeticism. It has 7 sacred principles. The third is ‘vibration’,

summing to 47 with Pythagorean Gematria. This principle expresses

that everything, including every number, every letter, every word,

every color, every smell, every sound, etc., carries a vibration, and

these vibrations have consequences that influence the world. Thus, if

you can harness these energies and use them strategically, you can

influence outcomes, something that The Cabal is heavily interested in.

Keep in mind the word ‘energy’ sums to 74 in Simple English

Gematria, same as ‘weapon’ and ‘nuclear’. This pairs well with the

‘Trinity’ Test, where Trinity sums to 74 and 47, the first ‘nuclear’ test,

taking place in the 47th state, New Mexico

Anonymous ID: fba496 Nov. 12, 2021, 5:28 p.m. No.14986995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052



continued part 3


Event 201, The Jesuit Order, Anthony Fauci & The Pope:


It’s fitting that Anthony Fauci was speaking at Georgetown

University, the oldest Jesuit university in the United States, when he

revealed the planned conspiracy to force a pandemic down our throats,

in a speech I highly encourage you to listen to. You’ll notice, his

remarks came 10 days before the Jesuit educated Donald Trump, who

attended Fordham University, became the 45th President. Of course, it

was Trump’s coming administration that Fauci was referencing in the

quote above. And Anthony Fauci himself is a Jesuit educated man,

having attended Holy Cross. When you pair these details with the fact

that the Military World Games, dating back to 1995, and Rome, began

in Wuhan, China, October 18, 2019, the same day Event 201 took

place (the coronavirus outbreak simulation), and when you understand

what the number 201 represents to the Jesuits, who operate on behalf

of Rome, the odds of all of this being coincidence are next to

impossible, and at the same time, these same facts reveal the

responsible party for the conspiracy that is the coronavirus pandemic.

They also reveal the theater of the debacle, such as why Donald Trump

blamed Anthony Fauci for the poor coronavirus response by the

federal government on July 11th, 2020, the 201st day of Anthony

Fauci’s age, and again on July 19th, the 201st day of 2020.

To better understand the relevance of the number 201 to the

Jesuit Order, we must rewind the hands of time to July 21, 1773, when

Pope Clement XIV, the leader of the Catholic Church, suppressed the

Jesuits. Before we get to the meaning of the number 201, just take a

moment to think- the Jesuits were so bad, they were stopped by the

institution they operated on behalf of, because simply put, Pope

Clement XIV could no longer tolerate the circulating rumors of Jesuit

crime, corruption and conspiracy. It couldn’t be more telling, could it?

As they say, some things never change. Anyhow, after their banning,

Catherine the Great of Russia came to their rescue, protecting the 201

Jesuits in her nation that she had acquired through the First Partition of

Poland in 1772, so that the activities of the organization could go

forward, despite the wishes of the Pope, and they did. And something

to ponder is the Pope suppressed them on the 202nd day of the year,

after the completion of the 201st day, July 20th

Anonymous ID: fba496 Nov. 12, 2021, 5:34 p.m. No.14987052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


continued part 4


In addition to ‘The Jesuit Order’ equating to 201 with Reverse

Simple English, let us not forget that the founder of the Jesuits,

‘Ignatius of Loyola’, had a name equating to 201 with Simple English,

and at the same time, the first Jesuit Pope, Francis, was born ‘Jorge

Mario Bergoglio’, also equating to 201 with Simple English. Let us

also not forget that he is the first Pope to live in Suite 201 at the

Vatican, named the ‘Domus Sanctae Marthae’, also equating to 201

with Simple English, and even further, ‘Catholic Pope’ equates to 201

with Reverse Simple English. With the growing list of number 201

connections in mind, don’t forget that Adam Weishaupt, who was a

Jesuit, created the Bavarian Illuminati, and later changed the name to

‘Order of Illuminati’, summing to 201 with Simple English as well.

These facts are extremely important, because again, Pope Francis, the

leader of the Vatican at the time of the coronavirus pandemic, is the

first publicly Jesuit Pope, in the history of the 266 men who have held

that title, another number we will learn much about ahead.

In terms of the number 201, the Jesuit Order, and their ongoing

agenda, by the numbers, recall what we uncovered in chapter one

about the ‘District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871’, equating to 201

with Reverse Pythagorean. It was the legal move that made

Washington D.C. an independent city-state within the United States of

America, the same as the City of London within England, and Vatican

City within Italy- with all three, or the ‘trinity’, having Catholic

origins, and of course ‘Catholic’ equating to 71 with Simple English,

much the same as the year of the Act, 1871. Furthermore, keep in

mind this Act only occurred because the United States was bankrupt

due the Civil War, and as was stated earlier, the Act of 1871 opened the

door for foreign investment into the nation’s capital, and for foreign

control. Not by surprise, it was the Catholic Church and Jesuits who

had financed the ‘Confederate’ Army, where ‘Confederate’ sums to

201 with Reverse Simple English, for the purpose of dividing the

nation, so that the planned objective of taking the nation’s capital

could be reached, and was, with the District of Columbia Organic Act

of 1871