yeah.. you're missing out.. animated png… it's a thing.. typically better than gif.. people call them apng's.. but often still .png
bless your heart
And only 1 in 250,000 will die from complications, so its a small risk for a good cause
Trips of truth, it was funny and weird..
Idiotic? No.. Sacred.. and retarded.. sacredly retarded.
Great shift in gears.. Kyle isn't really the point.. its not meant to help kyle, its not meant to be righteous, many will not understand the humor.. but its undeniably funny to others.. it basically removes kyle from the framing that this guy is just a dumbass all by himself and vaporized his own arm..
Friday nightshifts aren't really like other nightshifts, anon. Friday nightshifts are as healthy for the movement as letting out farts is for your digestive tract
Probably.. it doesn't matter what side you're on.. whether you're holy or satanic, holding in farts isn't good for your digestive tract.
Shitting on the floor isn't really a sign of good health though… only the shills do that here though, so we're good.