Has anyone cross-referenced prior chemtrail ingredients dispersed
as reactants to later combine with the various 'vaccine'
ingredients as the catalyst?
They play the long game with long-term planning so logically
this would make sense. It is a large task better suited to an army
of frogs, unless there has been discovery to the question posed already.
It may aid in greater understanding of harmful effects,
key components and their interaction properties, quite
possibly halting or reversing/repairing damage.
That would be a Godsend for those who have been
infected in remorse.
(e.g. site)
The true 'vaccine' ingredients will probably have to be collected
from alternative/independent sources rather than 'official' for
obvious reasons.
I am not ruling out the various air-wave radiation mediums deployed but in attempt at simplicity a connection with the
aforementioned question would be a significant first building block.
Apologies for so much text.