Bozo is a total clown - he can't even get his rockets up into space… just silly toy stuff. All his staff ran off given half a chance - they can't stand to work for this maggot. And this jack ass called his own company BO as in Body Odor. God damn boldy fucky cunt.
Is that what people are seeing in the poison jab viles themselves in terms of parasites.
Is that what people are seeing in the poison jab viles themselves in terms of parasites.
What does -70 do?
Oy! Fuckhead - the vaccinated are super spreaders - delta variant originates with those dumb fucks.
One man is no going to bring down the entire stinking temple? Bit of a weak point from cabals point of view.
Bill Gates has the same ulginess about him too - just such punchable faces.
So why did he not "ADVICE" Trump to boot those fucktards out on to the street and then get them arrested, as opposed to giving them lime light and giving BILLIONS to Big Pharma for Operation Fuck Speed?