oh noes anon might get a head cold 99.8% of the population under 80 survives
>he just don't give a shit! Doesn't care about what the Dems think of him… Media… Nobody!
uhhh welcome to Qresearch, we are all like this here, as in giving no fucks about what pretentious posers think.
>Good luck, soldier.
>With odds like that you are going to need it.
we all will good anon, we all will.
anon has reservations regarding Bannon.
thank you, that was driving me crazy!
>we have to have one religion
no, that's literally the most un-American thing anon has ever heard.
LAND OF THE FREE, even if you tend to disagree.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
>Will Make Wall Street Richer at Main Street’s Expense
notice how everything world leaders do in unison fucks the little guy over, no matter how kindly & fluffy they name their endeavors?
more likely an inheritor who's fortune is coveted by another
It sure the fuck doesn't protect a singular religion either.
Fuckin' Socialists or the Catholics… or no maybe the Jehovah's Witnesses, or the Mormons, maybe the Protestants, nah the Lutherans, oh no
maybe the tent revivalists with a dash of TBN?
Good luck with that.
I'll be here in 10,000 years when you get some of those "Christian" religious groups on the same page, then call me 5,000 years after that when you get the non "Christian" but not "Satanic" religions to come to the table with the non existent league of aligned "Christianity".