The Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast
The Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast
But those that have the Name nobody knows, saving he who receive it will have Victory over
the Mark of the Beast
Also, there are four trees in paradise, and
whoever shall know them shall not taste death
But the True Vine isn't a Tree. They have broken
the Everlasting Covenant.
Thats why God sent/sends another in the Last
Days when he raises up Israel, his Firstborn, to
Unite the 12 Tribes in the West, before the anti
christ arrives and confirms his covenant with the
Also, it is written a ton of times that in the last
days God would Save His People from the East
and from the West
two 666's in a row
1290 days after she died we Witnessed God, and He Is Hollow
1000 200 and 3 score days
Daniel uses 1260 and 1290
666 696 969
My Death Shall Bring