So, this group of greedy, power-hungry, psychotic elites want to change the world, put the remaining population into a modern feudal system, in their image, with almost unlimited technocratic power and without God. What could possibly go wrong?
The Right Major Crisis Is Here
When a group of nefarious people (a globalist cabal) develop big plans and need the right major crisis to begin implementation, they create one. And create they did. But, no one wants to talk about it in the mainstream media or government. They would rather laugh and dismiss it as conspiracy. Why? Because they are all part of it. They want you to believe everything is normal with only a few temporary setbacks on the way to ‘building back better’, while they secretly remove the foundations upon which our country rests.
Americans are now feeling apprehensive. They can feel something vile is in the air, but still can’t put their collective fingers on it. The mood is one of anxiety and distress. The labor force, despite lies from D.C., is down significantly. People have been forced to leave their jobs or succumb to taking vaccines deadlier than the disease itself. All because of a virus marginally more dangerous than the flu. By the way, what happened to the flu?
This so-called ‘pandemic’, that kills a small fraction of its victims, is getting a reaction from government way out of proportion to its risks
There are still those who will drive onto a bridge even while it is collapsing into a river. They cannot process quickly enough the relationship of what they see to their immediate future. Even if some can process it, they refuse to believe it and plunge into the river. More and more people are, never-the-less, beginning to realize that this economy and political direction is not the normal ebb and flow. We have a one-party rule controlling the Executive Branch, Congress, even apparently the Supreme Court, probably through blackmail. They’re censoring speech, ignoring law and what is left of the courts, dividing citizens, controlling the media narrative.
This so-called ‘pandemic’, that kills a small fraction of its victims, is getting a reaction from government way out of proportion to its risks…the mask and vaccine mandates, the injecting of mass populations and 5-year old children who are not in any danger. There is a news blackout of the tens of thousands of vaccine deaths, lost pregnancies, injuries, the inflated COVID deaths. How many more people will die in the coming months and years due to the overreach of this administration? Why are these vaccines so important to this government? Are they that concerned with our health?
The inflation and coming economic collapse, the constant dictates, shows an illegitimate government out of control, with a plan, making up for lost time these last five years.