Good Question
Murray Flag of United States
“Why do you care so much about politics?”
I don’t know, maybe it’s because the gov’t spent the past 2 years locking everyone in their homes, stealing well over 10% of our net worth and threatening take away our livelihoods if we don’t take experimental injections, for starters.
Maybe it’s because I get upset when I hear our country ordered a drone strike that killed innocent men, women and children half-way across the globe who have absolutely nothing to do with our national defense.
Maybe it’s because I hate knowing that people are serving a lifetime in prison for a medicinal plant that can help with a wide variety of illnesses, while alcohol and dangerous prescription drugs are promoted on television and throughout our culture ad nauseam.
Maybe it’s because I hate seeing communities burned to the ground, lives destroyed and Americans turned against each other because of corrupt politicians and media outlets who don’t give a damn about how many people get hurt or killed in their selfish and evil pursuit for power.
Maybe it’s because I hate knowing that politicians and members of the The Fed are robbing the American people blind, committing insider trading on a regular basis and bailing out their special interest and political cronies, while the average American gets left holding the bag.
Maybe it’s because I hate knowing that the system is rigged against small businesses, start-ups, mom + pop shops and those trying to climb the economic ladder in favor of multinational corporations protected from competition and who can afford the lawyers to bypass regulations.
Maybe it’s because I hate knowing that vast swaths of young people are being indoctrinated on a daily basis and then shuffled into colleges in order to be saddled with a lifetime of debt for a mediocre and largely worthless education, the cost of which is mostly due to the gov’t.
Maybe it’s because I hate knowing that the ridiculously outlandish costs of our healthcare system have absolutely NOTHING to do with the free-market and are 100% a direct result of government intervention into the healthcare system, empowering insurance companies + Rocket admin costs
Maybe it’s because I have a well researched grasp on history and economics and know exactly what happens when you continue on the path that our government and institutions are currently forging ahead with.
Spoiler alert: Right pointing backhand index It’s not good.
It’s because I know that the government and media are engaged in an all-out assault on Christianity and organized religion, because they know those who believe in God above everything else are impossible to manipulate and control by centralized authorities here on earth.
Finally, it’s because I dream about the infinite potential that we have as human beings for growth and understanding, but that the enemies of that progress are tyrannical governments, corrupt politicians, the corporate media, protected corporations and lawless central banks.
12:10 PM · Nov 12, 2021·Twitter for
CDC lies, lies, and more lies of lies
Mire insanity from Health Officials
Invaccinated people cannot sing or dance indoors???
Vaccinated can drink standing???
Unvaccinated must be sitting while drinking???
I Dont know the source, so might be a joke.
Health Orders from New South Wales, Australia
Did I read this on the board this am? Wow!!!!
Can’t wait until I get this, sounds natural, (not really), holy shit, this is beyond insane. The problem, some people will believe it
This is really unbelievable,we should be thanking the media, like soldiers?
Twitter anons have to drop memes on CNN
more distractions, 2020 election was stloen, lets get back to that
Thats the best ever, Fauci heart attack, just about everyone if Bidan admin heart attack, oh yes, Schitt hear attack, so many to name
Dear God, our Heavenly father, in Jesus Name i ask that you rid the earth of Fauci and all like him, on this holy Sunday. Not our will but thine be done quickly, please and thank you
Very Good! listen to the Fauci Sad Little man video
Agreed anon, i have a sense many are awakening, but lets speed it up!
This just tells you how desperate they, when they beg for your admiration, means their ratings are so low, but they also know all the “top takent” are hoing to be axed. CNN used to actually report news early on, now its a trash factory asking for praise and support
Thats the scary part, I actually think the vaxxed have a higher incident of being mind controlled, makes no sense to be happy to get boosters
keep pharma and the vax away from the children
Is this why the Surgeon General came out with his warning on memes? DOJ will comply with this soon
I’m in agreement, the depth of corruption calls for their destruction
Shit that better not be true
Talk to him about chelation infusions or tgerapy. It can remove the graphene. Also acupuncturist can help with fertility issues. The most effective treatment in acupuncture. They’ve to detox the mercury, aluminum and graphene along with other toxic chemicals
Keep your 👁 👁 s on the news today