Anonymous ID: a3ac1f Nov. 14, 2021, 2:06 p.m. No.14998865   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just want to post something to help those who are confused, lost, or fooled into thinking the opposite. In no way is what I'm saying fact, just my observation.

First one has to do with Q posts about Huma and her child. Take the meaning and apply it to another woman in the middle of a depraved plot.

What if Hallie Biden realized her affair with Hunter was getting him closer to Natalie, & it's part of a larger plan to groom Natalie for her star to shine in the sleazy world of politics?

Predators use people who help them get closer to their intended target. Especially sexual predators. Think teachers, counselors, priests, doctors, coaches, etc..

How would Hallie protect her daughter & get her out of that situation? Would you rat yourself out? That would cause a domino effect, wouldn't it?

Now think of Hunter & Ashley doing the same.


Now for the next part. All assets foregin & domestic have been launched. For white hat operations, how many people around the world got very very close to bigshots in DC? Wouldn't it be smart to find them & give them protection for information?

No one really wants to die. At least not the VIP's. Wouldn't it be a good idea to put Obama's Pakistani gay lover under protection and have him expose all of Obama's secrets?

What about artists who may have some oddball behavior, but are absolutely not into seeing anyone murdered, or even used & abused?

It's easy to follow the crowd & scream "He's a pedo!" She's a satanist torturing people!". Yes, those people are out there, but certain people are not what you think they are.


The same goes with foreign governments. Everyone has a criminal deep state problem. Everyone. Crime is everywhere & will never go away. So stop thinking a savior on a white horse is going to save you or your country from all the problems that exist & bring heaven.

It's a group effort of good people who band together just like evil people band together to bring the change they want.

One thing that is clear to me is that the U.S doesn't really have any true allies as far as countries are concerned. No one does.

True allies are individuals & many times they are not in control of their government. We shouldn't fully trust nor condemn any country, nor should we nation build, thinking that will create allies. All it does is create animosity & death.


Anyway, that's my garbled thought. Think deeper than what a any headline suggests, what statement a government releases, and what things a public persona does or says.