Anonymous ID: 4cf89d May 21, 2018, 7:33 p.m. No.1500429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0555

Military OP.

>>> This is a military operation


>>> It is Green Lighted = GO

General K [JFK]

>>> General John F. Kelly (JFK) is running the operation

Full Disclosure.

>>> High level government folks are currently being read into highly classified information regarding Obama era spying and the Trump coup attempt

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

>>> Public will know and DAG Rod Rosenstein must go by force or free will

[RR] problems.

>>> This future event proves past Q statements regarding [RR]

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

>>> Rod Rosenstein was overwhelmingly voted in because he's a trusted swamp rat

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

>>> WRAY will be free once RR is gone

Who do you TRUST?

>>> Trust: Trump, Sessions, Wray, Kansas (Pompeo), Horowitz, Huber

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

>>> Whoever is next in line after RR will command Mueller - the AAG (Associate Attorney General)

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

>>> Sessions will stay recused for optics, Acting AAG will take lead on Mueller because AAG is not in place

Who is Rachel Brand?

>>> Brand AAG and next in line so Jesse Panuccio would be next as Acting AAG

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

>>> Brand "resigned" to take a job at Walmart on Feb 10, 2018. Assumption: She left in the wake of the McCabe, Stzok, etc. ordeal. Was likely given a deal, flipped, and left. While she was appointed by Trump, she worked in DOJ under Obama and Bush. Former Q post: "Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE"

Think timing.

>>> Feb was during the big FBI/DOJ house cleaning

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."

>>> Quote from article in February, outlines route by which Pruitt or another could be placed as Acting AAG


>>> ???📁

When does the clock run out?

>>> ???

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

>>> ??? Only connection I can make is in the Palpatine's Revenge Texts that refer to "our friends in NY" and "having shit on RR" - basically RR was blackmailed to appoint Mueller

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.


>>> D=4: #45 (President Donald J. Trump)


Anonymous ID: 4cf89d May 21, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.1500771   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're trying to debunk Q while he's more and more over the target and shit is hitting the fan harder than ever.


As a not-so-wise man once said, "Okie Dokie."