thanks bakes
Just making an observation and drawing a link here…
All the "Snow Leopard" comms lately….
The Chinky Snow Leopard Team is probably pretty busy right now, due to lots and lots of explosions in China recently
One of their duties is bomb disposal…..
>The world could implode tomorrow
We could warn the normies, but they wouldn't take any notice
Tried to warn them about the "vaccine" but the stupide fuckers are still taking the jabs
Normies are mostly stupid, hence the NWO want to genocide them
Who lets their 8 yr old become a test subject for Moderna ?
Answer: the same stupid fuckwit parents
I concur
Virtual Reality is being used with unsuspecting kids to distract them whilst being vaxxed
Note the pedo swirl about halfway into the video
These people are truly evil
Stanley Kubrick was right, when he said the world is ruled by satanic pedo's
another darwin award contender
grammar cat is looking for you….
unvaccinated, go to see doctor
”sorry anon, but we can’t treat you if you haven’t been vaccinated”
get vaccinated, suffer adverse side effect, go to see doctor
“Sorry anon, but the vaccine is safe and effective, there’s nothing to treat”
>Only at the precipice will people find the will
precipice seems a long way away atm
sheeples will need to be pushed over the edge, they are so fucking dumb
>Post ones from all walks of life.
How about you find some, and post them ?
BTW…check out the map of IQ's
Are you of African heritage, by any chance ?
If the sheeple took the vax to "save muh job" they are no more than cucked soi-boy cowards with no moral fibre
gutless imbeciles who won't draw a line in the sand….fucking fem-soys and beta-manlets, weaklings and simp's… my contempt for them knows no bounds
jellyfish humans, take the jab and die !
>do not transfer through bloodlines
natural law applies, imho
if you can utilise natural law to its full extent, your bloodline stands a high chance of survival
>you have no idea what natural is.
enlighten me, why don't you ?
>challenge issued
but I know you will just post another riddle in italics along with a dank gif
your stück has become transparent…..