My bad. I didn't realize it was cut off.
My bad. I didn't realize it was cut off.
There is no such thing as death, you stupid, dumb fuck.
You don't understand reality.
Are you really that fucking stupid? What the fuck do you think LIFE is? What. The. Fuck. Do you think REALITY is? Holeeee shit. Here's a clue, dumbass. >>14427587 (symb) but it's waaaay…WAAAAY above your IQ level.
THAT is tippy top fucking kek you loserferian pos. What do you think consciousness is? What do you think seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, hearing is? OMG you're fucking retarded. Please tell me you're not real. (Unfortunately though, here you are.)
Trip dubs chekt. Fuck that's funny. I can't "breath!"