Anonymous ID: 58a0ec Nov. 15, 2021, 9:39 a.m. No.15004449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Following his twitter account and how he posts about faith it doesn't lead anyone to believe he's luciferian or one world religion.. Anon thinks he sees the effect of 'contrary' religions on those trying to live the Christian faith which accepts only one God. 'Outsiders' rise up and infiltrate our government and vote against what we have to uphold.. it's the one problem with this nation honestly.. we can't coexist and live the faith at the same time without calling a spade a spade.. we seek to remove false gods from our land.. as many of them seek to do with ours. It's hard to give thanks to God for being the God of our land when a mosque goes up half a mile from your house as anon has seen happen where anon lives. We can be nice to people but realize their intent is to make their god the god of this land.. and that means our God and all we stand for is pushed out.. and this is why the Israelites in the Old Testament were warned not to mix with outside groups.. they didn't listen and brought outsiders in, married them, their children were brought up in the outside faiths.. the golden calf was built.. God didn't approve. I'm not saying anyone has to believe as we do but those who do believe in God in this way, Flynn being one of them, we stand up for God as the only God and take the warning seriously not to allow other gods into our land.