Sinema with a red folder too…
going on the offense
what you guys doing?
puttin' on the foil coach
every game
you want some?
comfy af
28-Mar-2019 12:14:43 PM CDT
it's an older post and the google results appear to be shifting on the fly as the vanity fair article link fell several places for anon versus anon's posted image
sort of a plain red folder that both are holding
those signings mostly ceremonial and a opportunity for on air grandstanding and grab assery, so why Sinema bring a red folder?
If infrastructure be roads and such…
order 66?
(66 Fed. Reg. 3244 (January 12, 2001)
The Department of
Agriculture is adopting this final rule to
establish prohibitions on road
construction, road reconstruction, and
timber harvesting in inventoried
roadless areas on National Forest
System lands. The intent of this final
rule is to provide lasting protection for
inventoried roadless areas within the
National Forest System in the context of
multiple-use management.