Binger is getting the snot knocked out of him.
Binger just got called a whiny soi boy to his face in court. Hooah!
Binger's going to have to wear a wig, a dress, earrings, falsies and makeup to walk the streets of his town. Any anons think he may do just do that after this bitch-slapping he just took
Holy Cow. There was a small can fire set by Rosenbaum and or Zaminski happening just as Kyle was walking to the 63rd st. location. the video shows Rosenbaum, Joshua & Kelly Zaminski and the jump-kick-man together. Those 4 saw Kyle and took of the set the ambush. Important point: The person who telephoned Kyle and sent him to that location where he would be alone had to be in on the ambush. Get him and you will find the real leaders.
Fucking whore who was a federal prosecutor on with Wolf saying Binger (in closing) came across as a gentle man and was very assertive. That boys and girls, is the definition of a contradiction. They are mutually exclusive. But what the hell, anon's been scouting media for a long time and that's all media is. Okay, let me make a mutually inclusive statement for comparison purposes. CNN psychopathic hosts and the psychopathic Binger going down.
Binking has been benched.
We getting close to a mistrial with prejudice.
When he said Rosenbaun was no match against Kyle is a man to man fight if I was Kyle's council, I would have said: I object your Honor: I want the jury to know that the 5' 5" crazy Rosenbaum would have cleaned the 6'0". 350 pound prosecutor Kraus' clock inside 10 seconds.
Think about it. If you were unarmed and rushing a person with a rifle and got that close without being shot and could reach for the barrel with your left hand, how would you grab it. Would you put your 4 fingers of your left hand under the barrel before you grab it with your thumb on the top? Or would just grab it with your thumb on the bottom and fingers on top. That way would save you over 1/2 second. Plus you would be keeping the barrel away from you instead of pulling in into you.
Fat man whining like crazy right now.