What is the sense in exposing the truth if media wont acknowledge It? I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms of Epstein island and the names in the flight log nearly three years ago. How long is this cover up going to last? I was told to trust the plan and justice was coming. I have lost all hope of this ever happening. It has been nearly three years since exposing all and the media still remains silent. No one wants to acknowledge that a disabled mom in a wheelchair exposed a world wide trafficking ring. This took a lot of courage to do. I have cried every single day. I lost friends and family including my original facebook page. I have been viciously attacked and persecuted all for being truthful. If this was the plan all along I think it is lousy. My first time voting for a president was ruined too.Who knew being entrusted to expose the truth would make me feel so insignificant and worthless. I have been labeled all kinds of terrible things. I have cried every day about the children trafficked and sacrificed on pedo island. I am trusting in God on this one. I feel almost suicidal. How can the media keep covering up these demonic pedophiles? I feel like justice is never going to come.I just want to be acknowledged for once. I want my loved ones to realize I wasn't lying.This took tremendous courage to do. I have been ridiculed and left defensless. I have been targeted and censored. I lost all of my memories since 2012. I feel like I've lost everything. I'm not even looking forward to Christmas. I haven't any money to buy gifts let alone some groceries. I thought this was the great awakening? I wish I was never awakened at all at this point. Who knew that there was such evil in our government and hollywood? I pray every demonic pedophile is cast into the pits of hell. Anyone who would ever harm a child , is the lowest life form. I have grown tired of the show.It hasn't been enjoyable at all. I thought it was suppose to be biblical? I dont see anything biblical about this at all. I have never cried so much in my entire life. I suffer with pain that would make a grown man cry. I sacrificed everything to expose the truth. I wish I would have never followed all the breadcrumbs and fallen down this rabbit hole.If anything it has made me feel more depressed than I ever was. By the way I never sold any of my artwork. Mine were always gifts from the heart.This was one of them. I painted this when I was in 7th grade. I ended up having a little red head with beautiful blue eyes many years later. My only gift from God I will always treasure.It has always been about our children in the end.