latest HATJ update as of yesterday, in her own words
https:// youtu.be/gym5KjID29w
latest HATJ update as of yesterday, in her own words
https:// youtu.be/gym5KjID29w
PNG = higher quality
Just copy your post, move onto the new bread, paste as a new reply, and move on with life. Like the rest of us do. It's not exactly life altering.
same…would rather not bake than fuck up a bake and be roasted for the 1st quarter of the bake kek
I'd say too late to counter, by the time calls & emails are made to shill bosses, and approval is given, the next autist has struck gold, & the cycle restarts. must be frustrating for them watching in horror as Q & autists work.
Lots of words, but not much said. Care to clarify, Blacksheep Anon?
I REALLY hope that HATJ has had her & Randy's case dismissed, but I need to see veritable proof (not just 8ch rumors). I've yet to see it announced by the usual channels, which I'd think would be the FIRST ones to get the news out