ignoring the problems jews cause doesn't help the conversation. Everyone needs to be able to be criticized without impunity… including the jews
they were jews, even if they were satanists
there are two sides to the shills… one side attacks jews, christians and muslims, the other acts like the jews are above reproach
This takes away the conversation that there is a problem with satanism in the jewish world… which is extending into other faiths. They desperately want you to not have this conversation.
don't you typist faggots have some mj12 posts to make on telegram?
muh 369 tesla
who was Jesus referring to as the synagogue of satan?
you realize the heads of the media and banks of the world are mostly jewish right? You realize the masons bow down to the decisions they make right?
There is a problem and you shouldn't ignore it.
exactly, this whole covid thing is a scam ran by jews… FDA, PFIZER, Fauci
they were the pharisees, you ignore the obvious because you're in denial
>thinks all jews are innocent
they definitely shill there with hundreds of globohomo threads started daily
wrong, I said there is a jewish problem… your the one who keeps saying that jews can't be satanists, or that masons don't obey the jews
sounds about right
you are a nobody, everyone is waking up to the jew problem… keep thinking the jews are innocent in regards to banking, medicine, politics, the media and so on. You are on the wrong side of history.
Who is at the top in terms of banking, medicine, politics and the media? It's jews, no question. Are those jews who are at the top satanists as well, yes no question. So evidently clearly there is a problem with the Jews, it's undeniable.
If there were christians, muslims, hindus or buddhists in place of the jews doing the same garbage, you would say there was a problem with the christians, buddhists, muslims and buddhists.
Denying that there is a problem with the jews is ignorant.
he was a jew, His Mom was a jew, St. Joseph was a jew, all of the Apostles were jews
it is you who isn't getting it… you think it is atiny segment of jews that worship satan. It's not, it is a large segment that has been there as long as the jews have been around. After King David there was not one good king in israel, and only one other in Judea. They have a history of worshipping moloch and ba'al. You see it to this very day, they take over the high places and corrupt them. Same as always. Yes many jews are good, but a large portion of them are not. This is why they were persecuted for 400 years in egypt, spent 40 years in the desert, kicked out of the promised land, and persecuted through out history.
fine they were hebrews