Why does the anti christ appear as an old man,
and a young child
I've read about this guy who appears that way,
in the bible, and on the chans. I feel this weird
understanding of his existence, but thats to be
You can't tell them, You have to show them
Far as mirrors go though
God satan fake god
Jesus Christ lucifer fake light bringer
Body of Christ, Godhead demiurge fake angels
Spirit of Truth, 2nd Comforter false prophet, deceiver of the world.
so strange. I've read about anons having run ins with this old young character,
I didn't know it was the anti christ until yesterday.
I think I had one myself, but what the old man said to me was uncharacteristic of
the anti christ. Only saw this man once, and he said, You Are About to be Born Again
in the Blood of Lady Liberty. Face to face in the dark, and then I shot out of bed and
it was morning.