Anonymous ID: 396ad9 Dec. 25, 2021, 6:26 a.m. No.15252270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2308



(Please read from the start)


We’ve seen many examples already about the Bloodlines hating the Phoenicians/Carthaginians in this thread and trying to destroy them. This includes Lilith = the Evil Lady personally going to attack the Phoenician City-States. If the Bloodlines hated the Phoenicians to a point that their founding queen = the Mother of Demons, personally had to travel to attack the Phoenician City-States, then why adopt a color that was “created” by the Phoenicians? Why switch from the Red (((they))) used to wear in Mesopotamia to Phoenician purple? I don’t think it’s because the color was rare. If that was the case then purple would have been the color worn by the rulers of Ancient Egypt during both pre-dynastic and dynastic times. It’s important to remind anons how close was the relationship between Ancient Egypt and Phoenicia. But the Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt never wore purple during the dynastic times = for thousands of years. As for Mesopotamia = Sumerians, they could have simply bought the purple fabrics and worn them. The red color being worn by the Evil Lady is projected in the movie Dracula where Lucy wears red (page 1 215).


So how does the old man explain this? How does the old man explain the Bloodlines “kidnaped” / “hijacked” the purple color and made it theirs? Why did the Bloodline switch from the Red (((their))) ancestors and founding queen used to wear while being in Mesopotamia, to the Phoenician purple? Why didn’t the Ancient Egyptians do that since Neith used to live there? Why no one was able to produce that purple apart the Phoenicians? Are all of these factors linked together? I believe they are anons.


I believe this is not SIMPLY connected to royalty and royal blood. I believe this goes a notch further up: Purple is the color of the King of kings. It was worn by Him.


The Evil Couple, by doing the coup and killing the King of kings consider themselves as the Royal Couple of Atlantis. Since the Evil One, in his delusional megalomaniac mind used to think he is the next King of kings, then he considered everything that the Great King is, to be actually him and his. The Evil One considered in his dellusiona mind that the throne and all of the characteristic, powers, epithets, even the clothing of the Great King are his. In other words, the Evil One considered he was the only one whom was allowed to wear the color of the King of kings = purple. He projected whom the Great King was onto him during in his twisted delusions. We’ve already seen this in this thread and talked about it and how the younger generation confused both of them and merged them, thinking they were one person because of this projection and delusion the Evil Clan still carried, starting with the Evil One.


This is also applied to the color purple = only the King of kings wore purple. Purple was the color = sign = symbol of His kingship on everything and everyone, including the other Sebetti rulers. The Evil One thought this was his color now since he imagined himself as the king of kings. It’s this ideology that he passed on to his followers = projected himself in this image to his followers and to the Evil Lady. The Evil One died but his followers and the Evil Lady as their head, kept this ideology = this doctrine and applied it to themselves. As in, in (((their))) twisted and delusional minds, the descendants of the Evil Couple see themselves, consider, believe (((they))) are the rightful heirs to the throne of Heaven. (((They))) see themselves as the top royal whom rules above all. (((They))) see themselves as the masters of the Universe. While (((their))) people = the clan members see themselves as the Chosen People of god = (((their))) god = the Evil One. (((their))) people see the Evil One as god, creator of life and the light of the world. (((They))) take whom the Great King was and give those attributes to the Evil One whom wanted to be the Great King. This is why he is a FAKE god = Yahweh. The real God never reveals His name. The Bloodlines truly, TRULY, believe purple symbolize (((their))) powers because (((they))) believe (((they))) are the rightful heirs to the Throne of Heaven.


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Anonymous ID: 396ad9 Dec. 25, 2021, 6:32 a.m. No.15252308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7036



(Please read from the start)


So what happened here: The Evil Lady and her direct descendants used to wear Red while they were in Mesopotamia and this was passed on to the younger generation regardless of which side they belonged to (good or bad) as a sign of being a royal = locally, it was a royal privilege. The younger generation only understand this is an exclusive color belonging only to the one whom sits on the throne – any throne. It was a symbol of his status. The younger generation in Mesopotamia thought ANY royal could and should wear Red to point to his higher status than the average commoner.


As an example from Hollywood, I’m going to give you the movie Black Panter again where we can see Zuri as a high priest wear it. The flower which provides the kings of Wakanda their powers is a purple flower which is prepared by the High priest Zuri as a pruple liquid, drank by the young king. It’s this liquid drank during a ritual which gives the new king his Black Panther powers.


The King of kings was the King-Priest of Atlantis. He held the highest position in both politics = government and in religion. This is why we see the high ranking clergy wear purple robes as well. At first the system of King-Priest was still observed and was in use in the entire world. Until at some point in time, they separated and the religious power was filled in by another person that the one holding the political power. Initially, they were held by one person = the King-Priest whom was none other than the King of kings.


The descendants of the Evil Couple couldn’t replicate that shade of color = purple when they were in Mesopotamia despite the presence of fish-men = the spiritual healers living in Mesopotamia as we’ve seen them on reliefs from there. We know they existed as well with the Dogon culture and they might have existed in Northern America with the Native American. Yet, it was found in Mexico and mostly in Phoenicia. This indicates that this was an exclusive knowledge, rare and not just anyone knew of it. This was a knowledge run in an exclusive circle = group and it landed in Mexico and in Phoenicia.


We didn’t see Neith wear it because she was not the top ruler of Atlantis = she didn’t carry the Light. It was her husband whom did. Neith was not “allowed” to wear purple because it was not her symbol. Since the Evil Lady and her descendant in their twisted hallucinations thought they were the rightful rulers of Atlantis, then they thoughts purple was their color to wear, but they couldn’t produce it because they lacked the knowledge despite fish-men = spiritual healers living in Mesopotamia.


But this was done in Phoenician and in Mexico. And Royalty from both places were also allowed to wear purple. If I add to all of this that the Evil Lady attacked herself the Phoenician City-States, but didn’t attack Mexico. I add as well Neith came to repel her but didn’t go to Mexico. As well as the cult of Dea Gravida and how it’s connected to Baalat of Gebal and to Isis myth after the death of her husband. If I also connect how the “thief” Bilulu whom had a young child was accused of killing Inanna’s husband. And if I add the presence of the Griffin/Sphinx iconography in Phoenicia = taken as a symbol of royalty. If I combine all of these with the idea that only the King of kings was allowed to wear purple = only the true King whom sits on the throne of Heaven is allowed to wear purple, then this is pointing me in the direction that there was a King of kings in Phoenicia.


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