Anonymous ID: 482dff Jan. 23, 2022, 3:30 a.m. No.15442005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2014



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Site 20: Niha, Lebanon.


Niha is located in the Beqaa valley. This site has 2 monuments = temples with megalithic blocks. So I’m going to call them Niha A and Niha B.


Niha A:,_Zahlé


“Niha (Arabic: ‎ [ˈniħa]) is a village in the Bekaa Valley about 8 km (5.0 mi) north of Zahlé. It is famous for its Roman archeological ruins in the outskirts, and in particular two lower Roman temples that date back to the 1st century AD.




The name Niha is used by four Lebanese towns or villages: Niha, Zahlé in the Bekaa; Niha, Batroun; Niha, Tyre and Niha, Chouf. The word neeha is Syriac and denotes to the place the character of calm, peaceful.






Niha is home to four Roman temples that were constructed between the 1st and 3rd century AD. The Lower two temples are located on the edge of the village, and the upper two temples are about 2 km above the village in what is known as "Hosn" Niha.”


>> I’ve been to both sites, both are fascinating. Please notice what’s on the blocks in the last picture. We’ve seen them before in the Andean region and they exist in most of the megalithic sites in Phoenicia. This is done to lift the blocks and this is a very ancient technique.


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Anonymous ID: 482dff Jan. 23, 2022, 3:36 a.m. No.15442014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2043



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“The first and smallest Roman temple was built in the 1st century AD. As one enters the gate at the edge of the village into the archeological park that is maintained by the Department of Antiquities, the Lower Small Temple appears first and directly ahead to the right of the creek. The temple was dedicated to the Syro-Phoenician mermaid goddess Atargatis and her consort, the god Hadaranes. Hadaranes is the local name of Hadad, the god of thunder, lightning and rain. Atargatis is the goddess of fertility. A small water channel runs through the podium of the temple leading to the belief that water purification rituals were conducted at the temple. The entrance of the temple faces south; it consists of a stairway leading to a portico with four columns with Ionic-style capitals. The cella, or central space of the temple, is accessed through three doors at the top of the stairway, and the restricted adytum is accessed by a stairway of nine steps at the end of the cella. The statue of the god or goddess was located inside the adytum and was usually not accessible to the public. In addition to the water channel running through and around the podium, there is also a smaller water channel that runs from the base of the statue of the god or goddess in the adytum down to the center of the cella. In the remains of this temple, archaeologists discovered a stone with an inscription mentioning a “female virgin prophet” named Hochmea. Hochmea was the priestess of Hadaranes and Atargatis; she dedicated herself to those two gods and cut herself off from the world. The stone inscription says: "According to an order from the god, she stopped eating bread for 20 years and lived for 100 years." This stone was removed by archaeologists and is no longer located at the temple site. This small temple was apparently used for the public cult, which allowed everyone to participate in purification rituals.”


>> There is no way the Evil Lady would be the wife of a ThunderBird. So what is it about here?


What are the clues we’ve got in this paragraph = Atargatis, Hadad, Lightning, Water source used by the temple, purification, female virgin Prophetic priestess cut from the world, local cult.


Now ask yourselves. If this was the cult of the Evil Lady, does this mean sacred prostitution took place here? NOPE. It didn’t. Why?….because you are not taking into account 2 important facts about the priesthood in Niha A temple: VIRGIN and PROPHET = a SEER. Also can you even imagine the Evil Lady being the consort of the one she hates the most = the Crown Prince, her enemy. Since the Thunderbirds are the Clan of the Crown Prince…that makes him the Chief ThunderBird, the ruler of the ThunderBird clan. Her feelings are well displayed in the “Justice Myth” where Innana shows she hates Mt Ebih (pages 1 285- 1 286). She also personally attacked the Phoenician City-States to destroy them. She did that to kill her younger brother = the Crown Prince – because she blames him and Neith along with the ThunderBirds of not just “stealing” the throne of Heaven which she considers rightfully hers, but they also killed the Evil One, her beloved. Inanna also hated Anu very much and she spilled her spite in front of him many times – we’ve already talked about this before in the thread.


Just a side note: sorry about me mixing up the spellings of the names sometimes, I have a bad habit of being unable to memorize names ^_^ I focus so much on the action that I am unable to memorize correctly the names of the persons doing the action… but I think the reader is understanding what I’m saying. Sorry about this flaw of mine, I’ve been unable to fix it and how my brain works. Just take it lightly and laugh a bit from it.


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Anonymous ID: 482dff Jan. 23, 2022, 3:48 a.m. No.15442043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2627



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Anyway, I mean, saying there is no way the Evil Lady would be the spouse of a ThunderBird, mostly the Crown Prince whom had the power of healing and spiritual power. The water purification ritual is there to confirm this is the King of kings or Crown Prince we are talking about since the Holy Spiritual power of the Crown Prince is the same as his Father’s = it can heal the body and the spirit of a person = purify it = the fish men (we see healing centers/deities in Sidon, Baal Markod sanctuary in Beit Mare, etc.). In other words the local form of Hadad = called in Niha A Hadaranes is the King of kings or the Crown Prince.


But whom is Atargatis? Here, the power of the prophet, oracle, seer, comes from the Lamassu Clan and the Spider women. It’s pointing to the Lamassu clan. So what does all of this mean when I put it together? This is what I’ve been trying to explain to anons all along. I’ve repeated it many times. This is originally the cult of Neith and the King of kings in Niha A temple. Since they had no names and no iconography, they remaind kinda mysterious to the populace. It’s hard to worship a deity without knowing how He/She looks like.


When the cult of the Evil Lady trickled inside Phoenicia, the locals thought this is Neith, not realizing this is about an Evil Sebetti queen and not the Queen of queens we are talking about. So the locals thought the name of Queen of queens was Atargatis, not realizing it’s the Evil Lady. This is how the cult of the Evil Lady laid, rested on top of the cult of Neith in Phoenicia and took some of its aspects while in the same time it changed some of the aspects of the original cult of Neith. The husband/wife relationship in Phoenicia was that of the Royal Couple: King of kings and the Queen of queens.


This is how the cult of the Evil Lady superposed itself, or was a top layer resting on the cult of Neith. Same thing happened with the Evil One and the King of kings in Mesopotamia, already seen it with the cult of Anu. And the same thing happened in Phoenicia with the Evil One and the cult of the King of kings and the Crown Prince. It’s like the cult of the Evil people was like a thin layer put on top of the original cult and from then on, it kinda calqued itself on it.


The cult in Niha A temple and other sites like it, helped me big time into understanding what happened and how the confusion and the mistaken identity happened between the good side and the bad side, by the younger generation. And I don’t blame them for it because thousands of years had already passed since the Sebetti rulers died. There was no more living memory left around to explain to the younger generation what really had happened back then.


This is the same situation we have in Ain Horshe and Khalwat Hasbaya sites. For the locals we see the King of kings or the Crown Prince along with Neith; while for the Romans controlled by the Bloodlines, they saw the Evil One and the Evil Lady. This is why the Romans rebuilt on top = on the foundations of the Phoenician temples. The Romans recognized what this was and since they like to desecrate holy places and turn them into their own and in the same time, they claim the Evil One is the carrier of the Light, the ultimate king…so you see how it turned out? Same thing for the female Sebetti rulers. Just go check what the Hellenistic rulers, then the Romans did to Isis cult in Ancient Egypt = same pattern.


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Anonymous ID: 482dff Jan. 23, 2022, 7:06 a.m. No.15442627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2654



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“Opposite the creek lies the Great Temple which was extensively restored by the government of Lebanon in the 1950s. Towering nearly 20 m (65 ft), the temple was built during the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD and was apparently used for a mysterious cult that spread during that era, similar to the temple of Bacchus in Baalbeck. The temple was also dedicated to the god Hadaranes and goddess Atargatis, as well as to a young god who played the role of their son. The entrance of the temple faces east; it is built over a large podium and accessed through a three-part stairway leading to a portico with four columns with Corinthian-style capitals. To the left of the stairway, a carved relief depicts a priest with two icons on his chest, representing a god and a goddess. He is wearing a hat with a crescent carved on it, and he holds a floral water sprinkler in his left hand and a cup in his right hand, which pours holy water onto a small altar.”


>> Incorrect when they say here there was a mysterious cult in Niha A temple like it was the case of Bacchus temple in Baalbek. The young boy here mentioned is most probably the Crown Prince. The crescent on the hat of the priest are actually the Lamassu horns.


But this doesn’t mean bad habits were adopted by the followers of the Crown Prince cult and the cult of Neith. As evidence, the priestess = the oracle = the prophet in Niha A, stayed a Virgin = no sacred prostitution here. And another evidence is the use of the power of the water = healing = purification. Very different mentality and aspect from the orgies, slaughter and lust for blood we know the Evil Clan has.


The reason why local archaelogists think the temples of Niha are connected to Baalbek temples is because of this statue (last picture with this page). This is the iconography of Baalbek. This is Mercury Heliopolitan we have here. What we have found out in Baalbek is that there is a cult of a Holy Triade. It starts with a Father figure called Jupiter Heliopolitan. Then there is a Female figure called Venus Heliopolitana and it ends of Mercury Heliopolitan, a younger male. There is also a cocktail of other deities worshiped in smaller temples in the vicinity of the Jupiter sanctuary in Baalbek, like the round temple of the Tyche of the city, the temple of Bacchus and the temple of the Muses.


When the Hellenistic kings of the Seleucids came, they recognized this was a site where Sebetti rulers were worshiped. The trilithon is there to prove it. Thinking this is the Evil Couple, they wanted to rebuild the temples. They started with the construction work, but didn’t pull it through for too many reasons, including their many wars with the Ptolemaic dynasty = fighting over the control of the region. So this region ricocheted between the Seleucides and the Ptolemaic dynasty quite a lot. Which in the same time exhausted the money coffers. Such construction projects, at such a grand scale, needs loads of money.


When the Romans came and took over, in their turn, they rediscovered the trilithon stones and understood this is a site of the Sebetti rulers. But the Romans thought this is the Evil Couple and their son, not recognizing this is the cult of the Royal Family of Atlantis as in the King of kings, Queen of queens and the Crown Prince. Or the other possibility is that the Romans recognized it but wanted to desecrate the site. This is when and how the sacred prostitution practice was introduced to the cult of the female deity in Baalbek and this is how and when the temple of Bacchus was build parallel to the sanctuary of Jupiter and Bacchanalias took place there: the temple of Bacchus not part of the Jupiter sanctuary but built next to it. Even if the Roman recognized this was the cult of the Holy Family, this would have never changed their projects because (((they))) like to desecrate the holy places of the Light.


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Anonymous ID: 482dff Jan. 23, 2022, 7:10 a.m. No.15442654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2668



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For the locals, the cult in both Niha and Baalbek was the cult of the Holy family. It was very popular, until a certain point where loads of complaints started to rise from the Christians in the area and city about the heavy practice of the sacred prostitution in the city. It was rejected by the people gradually and the new cult was mostly practiced by the nobility. The people of Baalbek didn’t like how "Strangers” = “travelers” used to come to town to take part of the sacred prostitution but in the same time, would harass the local ladies of the city. The Roman temples were under the direct jurisdiction and care of the Emperor. Their construction was directly funded by the imperial coffers and the priesthood and administration of the Roman temples answered directly to the Emperor. We even have dedications from Roman senators and emperors, like Caracalla, found in the Sanctuary of Jupiter. Whatever was going on inside the Roman built temples, it was directly under the supervision of the Roman Emperors. When Constantine tried to close the temples, the “influencial people” revolted and they put up a huge fight. Same thing happened with the temple of Ephesus = it was a delicate “political” matter. Until the people had enough and stormed both centers and burned them and smashed the statues. There is a Roman bath house in Baalbek just behind the temple of Jupiter. No human remains were found there by the way.


The story of Baalbek, the cult in there, along with the other sites, like Niha, in the region, all tell the same story: how the original cult of the Holy family of Atlantis was kinda pushed aside with the arrival of the Romans and they switched it with the cult of the Evil Couple and their son – thinking, believing, misunderstanding that the “original local” cult was that of the Evil Couple. It took my teacher more than 50 years and me, more than 40 years to gather the information, study it, search of the patterns and analyze them to reach to this conclusion. This is highly complex and it needs a lot of experience in this matter, mostly knowing the sites well, to reach where we got. I hope I have explained things well enough for anons to understand, despite the complexity of the matter. I know this is very complex and I’m giving you a crash course in what took us almost half a century to find out.


Le’ts go back to Niha A temple.


“The lintel of the gigantic temple door has an eagle with spread wings carved on it. This eagle is similar to the one carved on the lintel of the temple of Bacchus in Baalbeck. However, the Niha carving is slightly different, because the eagle holds a floral crown in one of its talons and a palm leaf in the other. To the right side of the lintel, a carved relief represents a winged naked boy holding a palm leaf in his left hand. Next to the boy is a carving of a winged goddess of victory holding a palm leaf in her left hand and a crown in her right hand, raising the crown towards the head of the boy. The left side of the lintel has a carved relief representing the same goddess of victory with the same items in her hands. The carvings appear to be linked to the mysterious rituals that were performed inside the temple. These rituals were related to the issues of birth, growth, death, and the hope of an afterlife.”


>> The good side used to worship Neith and the Crown Prince, this is why both have wings. The mother putting a crown on the head of her son is the crowning of the young prince. The rituals in Niha may be reflecting the story of Osiris, Isis and Horus.


While the evil side with the Romans coming along, thought this is Venus = the Evil Lady, crowning her own son as the next king of Heaven.


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Anonymous ID: 482dff Jan. 23, 2022, 7:13 a.m. No.15442668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8206



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“The inside of the Great Temple consists of two parts: the cella, where the people used to gather, and the elevated adytum, which was accessed by a stairway. The adytum used to hold the statue of the god or goddess. Under the elevated adytum is a crypt, which held the items used during the ceremonies and rituals of the temple. The doorway leading to the crypt is decorated with a carved relief representing a priest pouring holy water over an altar. Next to him, a woman holds an undefined object in her right hand. To the left, the relief represents a winged boy riding over a sheep or a bull.


The Small Temple of Niha is oriented north-south, while the Great Temple is oriented east-west. During the excavations of the site, an oratory was discovered in front of the Small Temple. The oratory had an altar representing the goddess of Niha, surrounded by a number of steles sculpted in the local style (not Roman style). The reason for the perpendicular orientation of the two temples is the presence of this monumental altar, which was situated in front of the Small Temple, and which was used as a base for the orientation of the Great Temple.


Two other Upper Roman temples were constructed at the Hosn, approximately 2 km away from the two temples mentioned earlier. Located at an elevation of 1,400 m (4,600 ft) with difficult road access, these two temples are not restored. Architectural evidence at the site indicates that it was transformed into a small fort during the medieval period (hence the name of Hosn). Built on a podium facing toward the east, the Upper Great Temple is composed of a portico with four columns, leading to a cella, and then to an elevated adytum. Today, the temple site is reasonably well preserved – most of its walls are intact, but its columns are no longer standing. The altar in front of the temple was destroyed by a Byzantine Basilica that was built over it. The Basilica has three naves and a semi-circular apse to its east end. The lower portions of the Basilica walls remain visible today. The second Small Temple opens to the south and was accessed through a stairway that is almost completely destroyed today. The stairway leads to a portico with two columns, and then to a small cella with a small niche at its end, which used to hold the statue of the god or goddess.




>> I’ve put pictures of inside the crypt and the blocks from the foundations. See how different they are from the upper blocks = size, texture, masonry and stone carving? And no human remains were found inside the crypt.


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