Anonymous ID: 6f0bfd Nov. 22, 2021, 6:15 a.m. No.15055596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5634



(Please read from the start)


It never occurred to us that the male infants could be disposed of in the bathhouse. We assumed they were disposed of in the sanctuary. But now that I think about it, a bathhouse is a good place to get rid of all the blood and biological stuff which comes out during birth, apart the infants. There is plenty of water around, and the canalization to wash the blood away and the sewer to throw the placenta in. In a strange way, it makes sense why a bathhouse was picked to fill the role of a birth place for the priestesses practicing the sacred prostitution. And it explains why we never found the graves of infants both of us were looking for = we were looking in the wrong place in Ephesus.


When Christianity spread and the complaints against the sacred prostitution from early Christians kept on piling up, this practice went “underground” = as in it was secretly practiced. There is a possibility the bathhouses were used as “the substitute place” instead of using the sanctuaries and the pagan temples to do it as was the situation before Christianity spread. Since the Christians were closing their temples, (((they))) camouflaged what (((they))) were doing and used the bathhouses instead of the temples = avoiding attention from the Christians whom were fooled into believing the sacred prostitution practice had stopped; while the cult of the Evil Lady lived on in secret right under their noses. Rothschild ball is enough proof that the sacred prostitution practice never died and kept on being practiced in hiding till this day. It’s possible it was camouflaged for a certain period of time by using the bathhouses instead of doing it in the sanctuary where it would get the attention of the Christians. They simply switched places, from the sanctuary/temple, they moved to some of the bathhouses. This is why Epstein temple looks like a bath house from Syria.


As I said, most of the female infants were kept, but not all of them if the number of female birth exceeded the required number. See, there was always a certain number of prostitutes for each generation not to exceed or there will be too many mouths to feed, too much work to be done, and there are a few “men visitors”. So the number of female infants to keep for the next generation was determined according to the number of men visitors the sanctuary annually received - as in according to the “demand” or flow of male participants in the orgies. If the temple received a few visitors per year or too many of them = this played a role in the number of prostitutes to keep from one generation to another. Some temples started small and became big, while for others it’s the other way around. If the number of female infants born for the next generation exceeded the number of prostitute required, these “extra” female infants were also “disposed” of. This is why we see the majority of the dead children in such gruesome places are males and a very minority among them are females.


There are a few additional points to mention:


1 – We don’t know what used to happen to infants with “problems” like physical deformities or mental problems.

2 – We couldn’t find out if certain physical criteria, like hair or eye color played a role in selecting which child was dispose of or which child was kept.

3 – We couldn’t find out if children used to be prostituted as well, and not just teens and adults.

4 – We didn’t know = couldn’t find out if human sacrifice was taking place during the orgies and/or they were practiced in secret private ceremonies during or after the festivals.


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Anonymous ID: 6f0bfd Nov. 22, 2021, 6:21 a.m. No.15055634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5661



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5 - There was no way a yearly returning visitor to know which child was his if he was a regular participant. And it’s obvious the men wouldn’t care less if the prostitutes got pregnant or not and what happened to the baby after birth. If there are some long term participants to the orgies, like someone taking part of it for 16 years in a row, then, there is also the possibility he might end up having sex with his own daughter 15 years after he had sex with one of the sanctuary’s prostitute. I hope anons understand what I mean here.

6 – In some cases, we are even suspecting beastiality to have been practiced.


If you think all of this is sick and twisted, you are spot on. It was a place filled with depravity and moral degeneracy.


I would like to point out that some male infants whom were castrated and kept alive were turned into traveling priests of the cult of the Evil Lady = a method used in early times to spread her cult far and wide = everywhere they could spread it. We think this practice of traveling priests gradually faded and became rare as time went by and the big sanctuaries, like Ephesus, started to attract yearly visitors during the sacred prostitution festival. There was no need for the traveling priest to spread the cult anymore.


I’ve attached to this page and the previous page some pictures taken from Pompeii – Italy – some of the murals are from the brothel of the city, while others come from private citizen’s villas. This is a small sample I’m providing anons on how you can easily detect the practice of the sacred prostitutions in some cities around the Med Sea, while in others it’s trickier. As I’ve just said, I’ve put only a sample for anons….you can go online to check out the rest and find the other places of the same kind.


I know I went a bit deep into this detour about Ashkelon, but as anons can see, it’s an important one on too many fronts and it connects many digging tunnels together.


So did the sacred prostitution cult take place in Carthage? Maybe…we don’t know….but during the Roman period, yeah, I think it did. Are the infants buried in the burial of Carthage killed, murdered by the prostitutes to get rid of unwanted children like how it was the case in Ashkelon? The answer is a big NO. The burial method is different and most important, as I’ve mentioned before in page 1 617, the infant buried in Carthage were loved and cared for. Their parents went into great length to bury them properly and loads of money was spent on each burial. While the killed infants in Ashkelon were not even treated with respect, but like garbage, thrown into filthy sewer of the bathhouse. The difference between the 2 cases is simply huge. So NO anons, the infant burial in Carthage doesn’t contain the remains of unwanted infants resulting from the practice of the sacred prostitution. Remember how some inscriptions were asking the deity to give them another child instead of the deceased one? ^_~


So there is a mass child murder case discovered in Ashkelon, Israel and the academic world and the MSM are all silent about it. Amazing, truly amazing! And what about the other places in Europe for example where such gruesome discoveries were made? Where is the spotlight on them? Where is the outrage? Why aren’t the accusation flying like crazy that child sacrifice practice was taking place there? This “treatment” is only reserved to the enemies of the Bloodlines = just ask Potus Trump and his family, they will tell you all about it since they have been living it for the last 6 or so years of their lives. I see there are some people whom still don’t understand how the game is played out and think the media worldwide is saying the truth, as in thinking only the American media is fake news. Don’t you get it, the media worldwide is corrupt!


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Anonymous ID: 6f0bfd Nov. 22, 2021, 6:25 a.m. No.15055661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5670



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It won’t be fair if we don’t hear the side of the Phoenician hater = accusers. So let’s do that and see what the prosecutors have to say. Please pay attention to their arguments and what they are relying on as evidence = look what they are pushing forward as evidence. Please, remember that then compare with what the defense side is saying about the same arguments. Look which makes sense: the prosecutor’s side? Or the defense side? Verify everything. I get pissed when I read their lies and hypocrisy, so I don’t want to go off on one my rants about this. So I’m going to comment only when necessary. I’ve already gone through most of the points, if not all of them. Notice the dates as well.

“Analysis sheds light on ancient Phoenician child sacrifice mystery


Study helps clarify ongoing debate about whether Phoenicians sacrificed their kids


By Albert Anderson

Staff Writer

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


New and detailed assessments of centuries-old burial sites suggest Phoenicians and their Carthaginian successors performed rituals of child sacrifice — adding new evidence to a mystery archaeologists have long debated.


The new analysis, co-authored by Professor of Archaeology Peter Van Dommelen, is published in the current edition of the journal Antiquity.


Phoenician child sacrifice has been a contentious issue in archaeology for the past century, though contemporary Greco-Roman accounts and evidence from the burial sites themselves suggest the practice took place, Van Dommelen said.


The burial sites, known as tophets, are located along the coasts of North Africa, Sicily and Sardinia and are filled with the cremated remains of small children and occasionally animals. Archaeologists have recently rekindled the debate, with some contending that these sites are simply separate child cemeteries. This assertion is based on bone analysis that points to a significant number of prenatal remains, as well as analysis of contemporary infant mortality rates, Van Dommelen said.


But Van Dommelen said he disagrees with this conclusion. “You need to historicize your scientific result before you come to a conclusion,” he said.”


“In the recent analysis, he and his European colleagues used evidence collected from previous on-site digs to develop their conclusion. They noted that the inscriptions left on markers at the sites are of a sacrificial and not funerary nature, and that the number of remains compared to the tophets’ centuries of use suggests only a couple depositions per year, much less than one would expect at a conventional cemetery, he said.”


>> So he is using the indecisive inscriptions of the stelae as evidence, which can be interpreted in various ways. We already talked about this.


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Anonymous ID: 6f0bfd Nov. 22, 2021, 6:28 a.m. No.15055670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5692



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“The paper also cites the “unanimous” support of contemporary Greco-Roman sources, Van Dommelen said, some of which explicitly state that Phoenicians practiced this custom.”


>> We’ve also taken a look at these sources and we already know they were the enemies of the Phoenicians/Carthaginians which they slandered repeatedly. Their biased writings are also contradictory to one another accounts.


“It is not about depositing children that died accidentally — it is actually an offering being made to a god,” Van Dommelen said. “At least a significant percentage (of deceased children) we can reasonably assume must have been sacrificed.”


>> And this assumption was made on what exactly?


“Science is making archaeology very much an interdisciplinary field,” Van Dommelen said, adding that traditional historical approaches must also be factored into conclusions.


Tophets are largely found to the north of larger Carthaginian cities, which started as Phoenician colonial settlements. They were often among the first structures built, and acted as open-air sanctuaries or ritual sites, Van Dommelen said. As the cities expanded, the tophets remained unmoved, which indicates their importance.”


>> No mention of the Jewsish origins of the name and the Tophet itself.


“Despite what scientists and archaeologists have already discovered, there are still mysteries surrounding the tophets. Though Van Dommelen referred to the sacrifices as a “contract” with the gods to be offered in times of distress in exchange for good fortune, the exact nature of the rituals remains a mystery.


“We don’t have any written literature from the Phoenician-Punic world,” Van Dommelen said.”


>> At least you admitted this one. So you built your entire case on the tales from the Carthaginians enemy’s side.


“Researchers have not discovered tophet sites in the center of the Phoenician homeland in modern-day Lebanon, where the Carthaginian civilization originated. The presence of known tophets in places where the Phoenicians expanded for trade raises questions about why the practice coincided with the civilization’s expansion.”


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Anonymous ID: 6f0bfd Nov. 22, 2021, 6:32 a.m. No.15055692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3191



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>> He is admitting nothing was found in Phoenician Motherland but he wonders how some of the colonies had a high infant mortality rate: he’s really smart. He never took into account = calculation what the “migrants” from the “other” places might have brought with them when they moved into these Phoenicians colonies. The Main Stream History wants you to think that the demographics in the colonies were made of a 100% Phoenician colonists, but the truth is the colonies were a demographic mosaic. That’s a known FACT which the Main Stream History and the PAID “experts” like to ignore.


“Matthew McCarty, a lecturer in classics at Princeton who was not involved in the study, said he agreed with Van Dommelen’s recent paper. “I think it’s a model for the kind of clear reasoning and attention to the actual evidence that we have from the ancient world to make a compelling argument,” McCarty said. “I think it’s a slam dunk.”


>> What actual evidence? It’s a clear reasoning model alright, but not just any reasoning, it’s a special type of reasons which is guided by the sign of $$$$$$$ in your bank account, to both of you.


“McCarty added that Phoenician child sacrifice “will continue to be an issue because it’s a politically and culturally fraught one, but academically, scientifically, it probably should no longer be an issue, it should be settled.”


>>That’s where you are wrong: it’s not settled academically and scientifically just like it’s not culturally. But politically, it is settled because the politicians worldwide are in the pocket of the Bloodlines and they do and say what the Bloodlines tell them. This includes the likes of you in the academic world and in the media world.


“Susan Alcock, director of the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, echoed McCarty’s sentiment. “This topic is a real flashpoint in archaeology in the Mediterranean. It is very hard to talk about it without people overreacting or getting upset, but it is a phenomenon that we have to study carefully and understand in its own cultural context,” she said.


Van Dommelen brings a unique expertise to Brown, Alcock said, calling him an outlier in a field dominated by study of the Greeks and Romans. “There aren’t many places in North America that teach this kind of thing, so it adds a whole new dimension to archaeology at Brown.”


>> Because of the lies and the slander, the Tunisian and mostly the Lebanse nations have been badly treated. The slander has lead to the discrimination of the descendants of both the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians, specifically by the Western Christian. So no…..this type of work is not great, nor does it deserve to be taught to the younger generation whom you are filling their brains with nothing but pure fiction and lies, just to keep up the fable, the narrative put up by the Bloodlines and (((their))) people = the Jews from long ago. I guess this gets a spot in the top 10 list of the longest lies perpetuated by the Evil Clan on the general public.


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