(Please read from the start)
Site 6: Majdal Anjar, Lebanon.
Another site with barely any information on. It’s located to the Souht-West of the Anjar castle if you want to locate it on a map. Here, it’s clear that the Romans re-used some of the older blocks and recarved them, you can clearly see the difference between the older blocks and the Roman blocks which had some type of rim on each one block. I’ve managed to find some pictures with the blocks dimensions on them. As you can see, the older blocks are always on the lower levels while the Roman built blocks come on top = as if the Roman rebuilt with what was already there, fallen on the ground from the old Phoenician construction.
The first picture with this page is of a Roman column base. I believe these blocks were taken from the old ones which were already on site. The Roman didn’t transport, move there much materials for the constructions. And this is a pattern you will notice in most of the megalithic sites I’m showing you. Most have the megaliths on the lower levels, while the smaller stones from Roman times, reshaped, are on the upper levels. Sometimes, depending on the site, even the Roman stones are impressive in size which is why I’m saying that the Romans took what was already crumbled on the site and re-used it. The Romans came, saw the fallen old Phoenician blocks, and they re-used them to build a new Roman style temple on top of the Phoenician built foundation.
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