(Please read from the start)
>> Here, they said that the rarity of purple made it the mark of royalty. I see it the other way around as in = being a mark of royalty is the reason purple was created/produced by the Phoenicians. It is correct that people from Sidon resettled and founded Tyre = Sur. Sidon is considered as the mother city of Tyre = Sur; just like Tyre is considered as the mother city of Carthage.
By the time 5th century B.C. came, the cult of Astarte = the Evil Lady had already entered in the Phoenician City-States. Astarte was a goddess of the Sidonians but not THE goddess of the Sidonians. As we’ve already seen the Patron of Sidon = it’s the god Eshmun (starting page 1 426). Eshmun was the god of Sidon, the primary god and the patron of the City-State for thousands of years. He had a temple inside of the royal citadel and we’ve already seen his temple outside of the city walls. His cult is probably as old as the City-State itself. The cult of Astate was “introduced” or should I say “injected” at a much later date into Sidon. So saying Astarte is THE goddess of the Sidonians, is totally wrong and a lie. She was A goddess but not THE chief deity there.
The mother of Eshmun-azar was a priestess of Astarte so does this mean the cult of the Evil lady was practiced there? The answer is NO. Because we didn’t find any of the signs in Sidon indicating the sacred prostitution was practiced or children sacrifice occurred there. I honestly think the situation in all Phoenician City-States were similar to what the situation was in Arwad and Aleppo = there was laws forbidding the practice of human sacrifice in City-State territory which consisted of the City-State itself and a territory under its jurisdiction where there were many small villages. And we think the cult of Astarte in Phoenicia was her cult merged with the cult of Neith = the younger generation confused both queens and thought they were one and the same deity. We think that because of the clothing of Astarte = fully clothed with a veil covering her entirely replaced her nude form; while the myths and legends of Astarte were kept. This merger of both female deities occurred in all the City-States of the area and this is why there are so many mutated aspects of the Evil Lady, with local characteristics.
The competition between the Phoenician City-States is true and it did exist for a long time. I’ve mentioned this before. As for “Astarte the name of the Lord” is absolutely correct = she was a Lord = a Sebetti ruler after all = One of the original 7 rulers of Atlantis before she turned evil.
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