"Lyme diseaseis a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, an elongated, spiral-shaped bacteria transmitted to humans through the bite of a tick. Known as spirochetes, these bacteria areunusual, not well studied, elusive and difficult to cultivate in the laboratory, and capable of advanced survival activities more commonly found in larger, more intelligent organisms."
Pay attention to the last sentence. Years after I wrote that statement, it is now well-established that Borrelia organisms (and even the co-infections Babesia and Bartonella) are unlike many other kinds of microorganisms in that they are highly advanced in their lifecycle activities, survival capabilities, and ability to respond to environmental threats.
However, there appears to be even more going on here. Many physicians and researchers now believe that there are also other, recently discovered community members living within the infectious colonies inside the body of an infected person. Modern science hasn’t solved all the mysteries surrounding this discovery, but we are beginning to uncover some answers to important questions. For example, we know that thesecommunity members are larger than Borrelia, Bartonella and Babesia, and we know that they play an important role in the Lyme complex. They are likely worm, or worm-like organisms, or even a number of different species of worm-like organisms. It is also possible that these organisms may have merged with Borrelia, creating a type of hybrid organism with shared DNA.