Jump Kick Man?
the population is a shade under 100k, so….30,000?
we are obviously in the Age of Aquariums, Age of Aquariums…..Aquariums…..Aquariums…..
jury might wait until it gets cold come thursday to cut down on that
this photo was taken right when he laid on them his idea that Mike turns into a female, and they run for president to ruin -then take over- the world….etc….and this moment is Mike saying "but why me?"
you got room for 2% more?
wonder what is so fascinating inside that crack?
Thursday, right at dusk….so it is cold and windy
they don't like posting lines on fixed events, as a rule of thumb
seems like everyone knows it is going to happen and just OK with it now….stockholm syndrome imported right from San Francisco, where looting has been codified up to $950 retail value.
after they get all wet tomorrow….waiting and waiting….then bare through a cold morning into Thursday, they will start to peel off all day and once the sun starts to set again…spring it on them, half demoralized already
great question…i don't know…..i remember election night when Biden went from favorite before returns come in, to 3-1 underdog as Virginia was reporting big for Trump. PA too….and then when the "water main break" moment happened, VA blinked and Biden was up….etc….the odds flipped back to Biden in almost about ten minutes….so they must have known that it would being toyed with, but not fixed enough to be "a fix" to the point they couldn't offer lines….but who doesn't mind a fix, if one knows the right side soon enough to get a bet down?
they look that cold already? in winter clothing? wait until they get all wet tomorrow and then it turns windy and goes down to 25…. looks like jury might get some room service a couple more times
what happens when a city wins a super bowl? they love to burn either way
like in church and at the movies too?
>That's why Rittenhouse was there to begin with,
>to protect local business.
in between being the community pool lifeguard and cleaning up rioters' graffiti…..what a monster