Supporters need to WASTE BLM right now, right there. (easy for me to say from here, but fuck the need a lesson)
Supporters need to WASTE BLM right now, right there. (easy for me to say from here, but fuck the need a lesson)
this anon cannot think of a single event that would unite the left and right other than a confession by a top-name Democrat.
No arrest will convince - they'll claim "framed"
It will never end until there is a public confession. NOBODY on the left to this day will acknowledge that Trump had nothing to do with Russia. It's really amazing.
This dude has more balls than everyone here. This takes BALLS (unless he's controlled op - but doubtful)
Papa "it's time" tweets
>Are you watching the same movie as the rest of us?
You mean the movie where we keep getting our asses handed to us? I believe so , yes
>Also, this dudes clearly an agent provocateur.
He's fucking calling them out. He knows what's about to go down. This is a great tactic: "how many cars you gonna fuck up tonight?". Predicting what someone is going to do to their face causes hesitation on their part. Nobody wants to be "figured out"