Nsa, Bill Binney: "Things won't change until we put these people in jail"
The documentary 'A Good American' explain how 9/11 could have been prevented and how useful informations against terror attacks could have been obtained without spying on entire populations
You filed a complaint against the NSA. The first time you met your lawyer, Jesselyn Radack, you wrote her: "If something happens to me, I did not commit suicide". Why did you fear for your life?
"I was filing a complaint against the US government because it was basically violating the Constitution of the United States, which is what I call treason against the founding principles of our country. The people involved in this were: the director of the CIA, the director of the NSA, the White House, as well as members of the Congressional Committee, the House Committee, and members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the FBI and the Department of Justice. These are all leading members of the United States government, people fucking with them don't really last that long. I wanted my lawyer to know I was in this fight with everybody, if anything happens, I didn't do it. Later on we experienced the FBI attacking us, the Department of Justice fabricating evidence against us and trying to use the Espionage Act against us to put us in jail for 35 years. We caught them and we threatened them with malicious prosecution and said: OK, let's go to court, and so they dropped the whole hot potato. That is the only reason we are not in jail".
Do you think Snowden will have to watch his back for the rest of his life?
"I think so, yes, until the government begins to realise they need to stop violating the Constitution. They have to clean this up and once they do that, they might realise that people like Snowden and [Julian ] Assange and others are really trying to expose the criminality of the government which has been going on for over a decade now. Until we clean our barracks, he is going to need to watch his back" .
Are you scared about Donald Trump having the NSA capabilities and powers in his hands?
"I look at it in this way: he is doing exactly as he said he would do in the campaign. During the campaign he said he would abide by the Constitution of the United States, now if he does that, he has to stop these programs, because they are unconstitutional, obviously. On the other hand, if he adopts this process, he is going to have the same powers as Obama had. That kind of power should not exist in any kind of government, because it really creates a totalitarian state. It's like Stasi on super-steroids; instead of having folders with papers on everybody, they have everything that you do stored electronically, so it is a much more complete, up-to-date and mineable set of information and they can manipulate it, and do anything they want to you. That is the problem with it: no government should have it".