Kennedy, then RBG, then …. Kek
Agree. The big lie is that there is no such thing as evil or the devil . The devil is constantly prowling the earth seeking souls to destroy.
ZeroHedge reporting rosencuck resigning.
Kill it.
These assholes actually think Trump is dumb??!! Fucking government cucks. 75% of the fed govt shoul dbe eliminated pronto. Fuck the unlawful FBI, CIA, IRS, FRB, DOE etc. Let's get real. It's about the united states.
The father is Elvis.
[holder] anytime [g]0[o]d
Gives CNN cover to flip and say, "He used us." lolololol cant wait. Enjoy the show.
I comm'd NavySealThreatFag on leave in HK through secured channel, recalled him, and confirmed [abortionfaggot] and [glyphfaggot].
It's over kiddo.
Panooch and Da Don are likedis. Dont worry bout it, Boss, I got it.
I was in such a position a few times when I was young. I decided against. Thank you, Jesus.
Who all dem negroes, son?
All these joos look alike.
lol likes hes AG. "No basis to investigate." lololol
Sheriff Joe's Grand Jury proved it all. Look it up, it's all on the record.
In college, Eric Holder was lawn jockey at my fraternity.